Thursday, September 22, 2005

Community Building Blocks

Dear Families,

As you will see, many teachers have sent class letters this week. I simply want to share with you some of the firsts for the year, our community building blocks:

- Fours’ Full Day: The Fours are now steadily settled into their full day schedule and enjoying every minute of it! Thank you, Fours parents, for your support and flexibility.

- Early Childhood Parent Evening: Parents were welcomed by their teachers, asked questions and heard about classroom routines.

- Breakfast Potluck: Dorothy and Romy’s class had their first social gathering on Tuesday morning when parents, teachers and children shared breakfast treats along with each other’s company.

- Farm Trip: Suzanne and Patricia’s Fourth Grade is spending four glorious days at the Hawthorne Valley Farm in Ghent, NY. You may know this farm from their bread and cheese stand at the Union Square farmer’s market. Of the experience, Suzanne writes: "Today's activities included horseback riding, making cider, baking bread, hiking, gardening, feeding animals, and enjoying free time inside and outside. The animal feeders collected eggs, which we enjoyed at dinner. During free time, there was singing, guitar and piano playing, chess, tetherball, swinging, cards, and board games. It was nice to spend time together in such a relaxed setting."

- Parent Meetings: This morning the Lower School Parent Reps came together for the first time. It was wonderful to greet so many returning reps as well as first time members. A terrific group!

- The Lower School Parents of Children of Color met last week, as did the Lesbian, Gay, Straight Alliance, Multi-Cultural Committee, and PA. Each of these organizations speaks to the heart of our school’s mission.


This Week's Attachments:

Message from Phil Kassen, Director -

Message from Deborah, Movement Teacher -

Brooke & Charles' Kindergarten -

Luise & Julia's Kindergarten -

Dorothy & Romy's First Grade -

Gina & Elizabeth's First Grade -

Jamie & David's First Grade -

Colleen & Ronnie's Second Grade -

Tasha, Rami & Caroline's Second Grade -,%20Rami,%20Caroline.pdf

Third Grade -

Fourth Grade -


From Assistant Principal Delia Hernandez - I am delighted to share information with you about an exciting, new initiative in our Spanish program. For the first time, we will be providing an opportunity for strong Spanish speakers in grades one to four to meet with Julie Sterling and their peers to work on extending their literacy skills in Spanish. As you may know, Julie piloted the program last spring by meeting informally with two groups. During these Spanish conversation groups it became clear that the children were eager and prepared for more focused instruction in Spanish than that offered during Spanish class. The groups will begin next week!

From Director of Education, Nick O'Han - For information about LREI's efforts to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina please go to

Welcome Back Lunch - To the entire LREI Community: Please join us for the annual, school-wide Welcome (Back) Potluck Lunch, hosted by the Parent Multicultural Committee, noon-3PM, Saturday, September 24th, at the home of parent Manuel Jaimes, 201 Eastern Parkway, 6A, Brooklyn (across from the Brooklyn Museum & Botanic Garden), 718-398-1192. (2/3 train to Eastern Parkway; 4/5 to Franklin). Sign up in the 6th Avenue lobby starting Monday; or email MCC co-chairs Mario Murillo and Noreen Stallings-Hall at Come and meet new families and catch up with old friends, even if you can stop by only for a bit!

School Photos - This is a reminder that school class and individual portraits will be taken on Monday, September 26. Our new photographer, Coffee Pond Photography, is able to offer a limited number of photo scholarships. Please contact Delia Hernandez, Lower School Assistant Principal, if you receive financial aid and are unable to pay for photographs.

First Grade - There will be a Reading Breakfast for First Grade Parents on Tuesday, September 27th at 8:45AM in the Cafeteria.

What a Balanced Literary Curriculum looks like in First Grade; Helping our young readers fall in love with characters - and learn to read and write thoughtfully.

Mark Your Calendars!

School will be closed on:

  • 10/4 (Rosh Hashanah)
  • 10/10 (Columbus Day)
  • 10/13 (Yom Kippur)

Curriculum Meetings are on:

  • 10/6 - 6:00PM - Second-Fourth Grades
  • 10/11 - 6:00PM - Fours-First Grades

Third Grade Farm Meetings for parents will be held in the classroom. Students will attend Early Bird on the day of their meeting. Farm Meetings are on:

  • 10/12 - 8:00AM - Chap & Michael's class
  • 10/26 - 8:00AM - Kelly & Meredith's class

The First and Second Grade Math Breakfast has been moved to 10/27 at 8:30AM.

In the Next Two Weeks...

9/23 - 8:45AM - First Meeting of parents interested in planning the Halloween Fair

9/23 - Suzanne, Patricia and Stacey's Fourth Grade farmers return

9/24 - Saturday - 12:00-3:00PM - School-wide Welcome (Back) Potluck Lunch, at the home of parent Manuel Jaimes

9/26 - School Photo Day

9/27 - Reading in First Grade Breakfast

10/4 - School Closed for Rosh Hashanah

10/6 - 8:00AM - Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance Meeting

10/6 - 6:00PM - Curriculum Meeting for Second-Fourth Grades

10/7 - 7:45AM - Asian-American Committee Meeting