Thursday, November 02, 2006

November 2, 2006

Dear Lower School Parents,

As we look forward to tomorrow and next week’s Parent / Teacher Conferences, here are a few thoughts to keep in mind:

  • The starting point – and always the goal - is that teachers and parents work as partners in the education of your children; that we can learn a great deal from each other.
  • Especially at this fall conference time, teachers will be eager to hear your insights. They may ask about home routines, likes and dislikes, and previous school experiences. They will also appreciate learning what your child is saying to you about school.
  • Expect to hear about some of the ways your child participates in classroom life: how they respond to limits and routines, social demands, group discussions, lunch time, and rest for younger children; specials for older students.
  • You’ll hear about your child as a learner: how s/he approaches a task, responds to instructions, when s/he engages critically and creatively, and the extent to which teacher support and guidance help your child get the most from school.
  • Your child’s teachers will also outline goals for the year; areas where she/he would like to see specific growth. Now is a good time to discuss and address these areas jointly.

We encourage you to:

  • Arrive punctually. This is a courtesy to both teachers and other families.
  • Be honest with teachers and expect them to share openly with you, knowing that we share the same goals.
  • Allow teachers ample opportunity to describe your child’s progress and participation, then reflect with them on ways to enhance this year’s experience.
  • Raise whatever questions you may have about classroom expectations and instruction.
  • Ask questions that help to clarify what teachers are describing. Common understanding is the best basis for an ongoing collaborative relationship.
  • Enjoy this opportunity to focus on your child and learn more about him or her in a situation outside of home. Then, enjoy the unfolding of this school year!

The parent/teacher conference is just one moment in your relationship with your child’s teachers. Please touch base again whenever new questions or thoughts arise. Easy communication between us all enriches children’s school experience – and hopefully their parents’ as well.

My best,


A word of thanks to the Halloween Fair Committee for creating such a zany, entertaining, piraty event for families! It was vibrant, welcoming and, despite its size, sensitive to young children’s worlds. A real winner!

This Week's Attachments:

Fours, Early Kindergarten and Kindergarten

Tasha and Romy's Second Grade

Community Service Calendar

Early Admission


Parent-Teacher Conference Childcare will be provided on Friday, November 10th, from 11:45 to 3 o'clock in the Big Room. The cost is ten dollars and pizza will be provided. Parents should sign up in advance if they plan on leaving students after dismissal. For more information and to sign up, contact Kate at, 477-5316 ext. 215.
Parents please note: there is no After School on this day.

We invite you to the LREI High School Arts Showcase at the Apple Store SoHo. This will be a wonderful opportunity to see our talented High School students' artistic and technological successes. Join us to experience their photography, film and multimedia creations.
November 14, 2006, 6-8pm
Apple Store, SoHo
103 Prince Street

Attention Book Lovers:
On Tuesday, November 8th join the Literary Committee as the LREI librarians present, "East Meets West," an evening of youth books that feature culture clashes and truces, diverse viewpoints and changing perspectives.
Each year our nationally recognized librarians share their literary suggestions for students in all grades, Fours-12th grade, with the LREI community as they do with other school and professional audiences throughout the school year. All three of our full time librarians have served, or are presently serving, on American Library Association panels responsible for selecting prize winning books. Join this evening as Stacy, Jennifer and Karyn share their book selections with us, along with LS library teacher and graphic novel reviewer, Jesse Karp (LREI '87), who will give his suggestions for the best in graphic novels.

Click Here

If your child missed photo day, retakes will be held on Thursday, November 16th.

In the Upcoming Weeks...

11/3- Lower School Parent-Teacher Conferences. LS closed. No Afterschool.

11/7- Third and Fourth Grade Math and Science Night, 6PM

11/8- Suzanne and Caroline's Farm Breakfast, 8:15 AM

11/8- Kindergarten Assembly, 8:45 AM

11/8- East Meets West, 7:00PM, PAC

11/10- Lower School Closes at noon for Parent-Teacher Conferences. No Afterschool.

11/14- Gwen and Thomas' Farm Breakfast, 8:30AM

11/14- First and Second Grade Math and Science Night, 6:00PM

11/15- Chap and Meredith's Farm Breakfast, 8:00AM

11/15- Fourth Grade Assembly, 8:45AM

11/16- Photo Retake Day

11/16- LS Parent Rep Meeting, 8:45AM

11/20- MS Tour for Fourth Grade Families, 8:45AM

11/21- Kelly and Ayanna's Farm Breakfast, 8:30AM

11/22- School Closes at 12:00 For Thanksgiving Break (11:45 Fours-First Grade)

11/28- Fourth Grade Parent Meeting, "Helping Your Child Navigate Peer Relationships," 8AM

11/29- Fours & EK Assembly