Thursday, December 08, 2005

Dear Parents,

A Precious Few…

As 2005 slips past, Lower School students are keeping busy:

Some classes have created culminating moments, such as publishing parties and farm trip breakfasts. Others are cooking, visiting museums and making origami creations.

This week LREI hosts its glorious Book Week with many authors stopping into classrooms reading their work and discussing the processes of writing, illustrating and publishing. You might ask your child about the visiting author to their room! Tonight it’s the adults’ turn with our special, one-of-a-kind Literary Evening. And for three days, there is the Fair itself with a terrific array of literature choices for children and adults. From all of us in the Lower School, a huge thank you to the Literary Committee for these tremendous gifts!

As a result of our last week’s Morning Meeting discussion, Second through Fourth Graders will have a "T-Shirt Day" this Friday. Those who choose to will wear a shirt, bracelet or pin bearing words that stand for something they believe in. It should be interesting!

Next Thursday evening we have the opportunity to enjoy a musical highlight – the all-school Chorus Concert with student participants from Third Grade through High School, coordinated with great care by our music department!

Then, on Friday morning, students from all three divisions come together (yes, we do!), squeezing ourselves into the PAC on Charlton Street for our Winter Assembly. Nearly as beautiful as our singing about peace and light is the sight of our young Lower Schoolers sitting on their Big Buddies’ laps. It’s a warm and wonderful good-bye before the break.


*On Friday, December 16th, school will close at 11:45AM and 12:00PM. School reopens on Wednesday, January 4th following an all-school Professional Day on January 3rd.

Lower School Attachments:

Dorothy and Romy's First Grade -

Tasha and Caroline's Second Grade -


TONIGHT is Literary Evening! See the attachment for details:

Please see the following announcements from the Community Service Committee:


The Spanish Resource List has been updated and is attached here. Please remember to contact Marguerite Lukes with any resources or Spanish-related events that may be of interest to our families.

The School Store will be open tomorrow (Friday 12/9).

School Photos - As the holidays approach, the school photo process is coming to a close. At this point we ask that you contact Coffee Pond Photography directly ( or 800-632-2323 ext. 0) with any questions about photo proofs or your order. This ensures that orders are processed quickly.

The Food Committee will meet on 12/12 at 8:30AM in the Cafeteria. All are welcome to attend.

Message from Julia Collura, Middle School Drama Director - The Middle School is currently in production for "Arabian Nights," which goes up January 20th and 21st. If you have any of the items on the attached list that you can lend or donate for the production, it would be much appreciated.

In the Next Few Weeks...

12/8 - 7:00PM - A Night of New Orleans in New York Literary Evening, Charlton Street PAC

12/12 - 8:30AM - Food Committee Meeting, Cafeteria

12/12 - 5:30PM - Afterschool Piano Recital, Big Room

12/12 - 6:30PM - Afterschool Instrumental Concert, Auditorium

12/14 - Afterschool Enrichment Share Day

12/15 - 8:45AM - Parent Rep Meeting

12/15 - 6:00PM - Winter Concert, Charlton Street PAC

12/16 - School Closes at 12:00 (Early Childhood, 11:45) for Winter Break

1/4 - School Reopens