Thursday, January 19, 2006

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

This Week's Attachments:

Early Kindergarten

Jamie and Dave's First Grade

Colleen and Ronnie's Second Grade

Chap and Michael's Third Grade

LREI Art Auction


Playdate Reminder: Please remember to leave a note (or sign a sheet) when your child has a playdate arrangement -- whether the playdate is at your home or at a classmate's. It's essential that we have signed and dated notes from both families. Thank you.

Lower School Spanish Workshop: Are you curious to know more about your child's Spanish learning? Do you wonder how you can help further your child's Spanish skills? If so, please join Julie Sterling for a Spanish workshop on Tuesday, January 24th, at 8:45AM in the cafeteria. Learn about the goals of the Lower School Spanish program and the many resources we have available. ¡Hasta Luego!

Karamu! - The Parent Multicultural Committee invites you to join us for Karamu!, our annual multicultural performance and celebration for the whole family, on Friday, January 27th. Tickets, t-shirts and raffle tickets for Karamu! will go on sale on Monday morning, January 23rd, in both lobbies. Because Karamu! tickets sell out every year, please buy your tickets early, turn them in if you buy them but decide not to attend, and give a donation (instead of buying tickets) if you would like to support us but are unable to attend. Volunteers are still needed. Please check the volunteer board in the lobby to find out how you can help and/or email Click here for Karamu! details.

Don't forget to bring in your photos for the VISIBILITY - Lesbian and Gay People We Love photo exhibition! Click here for details.

In the next few weeks...

1/23 - 8:45AM - Suzanne and Patricia's Fourth Grade Biography Breakfast

1/24 - 8:45AM - Lower School Spanish Workshop

1/25 - Martin Luther King, Jr., Assembly (students only)

1/26 - 8:45AM - Erin and Carin's Fourth Grade Biography Breakfast

1/27 - 5:00PM - Karamu!

1/31 - 8:45AM - Parent Discussion: speaking to children regarding lesbian and gay issues

2/1 - 8:45AM - First Grade Assembly

2/2 - 8:00AM - Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance Meeting

2/1-2/2 - LREI Art Auction

2/6 - VISIBILITY photos on display

2/8 - 8:45AM - Second Grade Assembly

2/9 - 6:00PM - Life in Independent Schools for LGBT Families - Parent Panel Discussion and Q&A

2/13 - 6:00PM - VISIBILITY photo exhibit Opening Reception

2/14 - 8:45AM - Parents of Children of Color Meeting

2/15 - 8:45AM - Families Assembly (students only)

2/15-2/15-2/17 - Fourth Grade ERB testing

2/16 - 8:45AM - Parent Rep Meeting

Click here for the full calendar.