Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dear Lower School Parents,

Talk about a busy week…

  • A Third and a Fourth Grade class each held a farm breakfast complete, with student readings, slide presentation, singing and, in the Fourth Grade, a class-made book.
  • Fourth Graders and their parents enjoyed their first musical assembly of the year, playing recorders as well as singing.
  • First and Second Grade families collaborated on experiment after experiment during Tuesday evening’s Family Math and Science Night.
  • Second Graders traveled to Hoboken to look at Manhattan from "the other side" and, in addition to loaded barges and other river traffic, watched a fish being caught, then returned to the river – or to "mother earth" in a Second Grader’s words.
  • Kindergartners and First Graders visited the Farmer’s Market, to gather fall produce and interview farmers.

And all the while, NYSAIS visitors observed classes and met with faculty, parents and administrators, prospective parents toured, final parent/teacher conferences were held, parent reps convened and teachers met in divisional and grade level configurations. Librarian Stacy Dillon offered faculty a power point presentation of the library’s many resources. Teachers made plans for upcoming visits with their "Big Buddy" classes and discussed baking projects for next Wednesday’s Thanksgiving Assembly. Whew!

On that note … Next Wednesday morning, during our half day, the entire Lower School, Fours through Fourth Graders, will gather in the auditorium to sing about Native Americans, harvests and (of course) turkeys. The center of the space will be strewn with fall produce from the Farmer’s Market – brussel sprout plants, carrots, cabbages, leafy vegetables - and amidst these will be a collection of baskets. Each class will bring with the them a beautifully wrapped loaf of bread they have baked to be donated to St. Joseph’s Soup Kitchen. Representative children "present" their class bread and, by the end, breads and greenery together are a feast for the eyes. This community gathering is followed by a mini-feast as each class shares a sampler tray of the Lower School’s baked goods. A day to look forward to and much to be thankful for.

May next week bring with it the peace and serenity we all need to balance our lives. And may you enjoy your very wonderful children during this holiday!!


This Week's Attachments:

Kelly and Ayanna's Third Grade

From the Reading Team

High School Basketball

Parent Rep Meeting Notes

A Letter from Phil

This Week's Announcements:

LREI in the News:

LREI featured among Gay Friendly Schools.

Click Here

A Word from Afterschool:
Dear Parents,
The Afterschool Office is in the midst of planning for the upcoming winter/spring session. If there is an Enrichment class that you would like to see continued on the schedule, or if you have suggestions for other class offerings, please let us know by contacting the Afterschool Office.
Cari Kosins
Director of Afterschool

Benefit Concert for Darfur Hear Our Voices:
Please come to a Broadway benefit concert to aid the victims in Darfur.
When: Monday, November 20th, 2006 - 6:30-8:00pm
Where: 40 Charlton St.
Tickets on Sale:
Lower School lobby every morning from 8:00-9:00.
High School with Violeta Picayo
Why: We can make a difference!
Organized by LREI High School students.

Click Here

Thanksgiving Arts Project:

Hi all,

This Saturday the Parents Association Community Service Committee will be going to the Fulton~Community Center of Hudson Guild to~join with some of the seniors to make centerpieces and decorations for the Hudson Guild's Annual Thanksgiving Feast. The flyer with details is attached.

This event is open~to students in~all divisions as well as parents, teachers and staff. As an added benefit, this~is a community service opportunity for High School students. More importantly, it is a wonderful intergenerational event that affords the opportunity to meet some very interesting senior citizens who live in our area. It's really a lot of fun. There will be bagels, juice and coffee.

Philip Kassen

Click Here

In the Upcoming Weeks...

11/20- MS Tour for Fourth Grade Families, 8:45AM

11/21- Kelly and Ayanna's Farm Breakfast, 8:30AM

11/22- School Closes at 12:00 For Thanksgiving Break (11:45 Fours-First Grade)

11/28- Fourth Grade Parent Meeting, "Helping Your Child Navigate Peer Relationships," 8AM

11/29- Fours & EK Assembly, 8:45

12/6- First Grade Assembly, 8:45

12/6- Book Fair

12/14- Lower School Parent Rep Meeting, 8:45

12/15- Early Dismissal for Winter Break, School closes at 12:00 (11:45 Fours through First Grade) No Afterschool.