Recently I learned of product called, "Tabletopics Family." It was created "to encourage family connection around the dinner table" and is endorsed by some independent schools as a worthwhile dinnertime conversation starter. This cube of cards includes questions such as,
When is it ok to lie?
Which famous athlete would you love to meet?
What's the hardest part about being a kid and about being a parent?
What would be the menu on your ultimate birthday dinner?
With this in mind, I thought we could go over some of our own Lower School "table topics", ways we help our children to deepen their understanding of the world, question the ‘givens’ and reinforce and extend their classroom learning. Most discussions find their center in one of two areas: social studies, such as the dynamics of immigration or the inner workings of a city, and students’ social relationships, embracing everyday conversations, friendships, recess and playdates. These then open doors to the broader world, which children come to know through you: family recollections, personal experiences, current events and real, down-to-earth social, ethical and pragmatic dilemmas.
With regard to specifically reinforcing children’s classroom experience, our teachers suggest the following:
Julie the Spanish teacher encourages, "Ask your child what they spoke about in Spanish. Do they remember what words they used? Can they put them together to make a sentence?" From there we can move to talk about where Spanish is spoken, why we see it written next to English in so many areas of our city.
Ann, the art teacher, suggests responses such as these to children’s art work: "I notice you’ve used a lot of this color / these wavy lines." "You really highlighted the horse’s mane; its fast running legs."
Kelly, a Third Grade classroom teacher, thinking of children’s developing vocabularies: "Show interest in words as your child reads and writes and as you read aloud to your child. Talk about them."
Dorothy, a First Grade classroom teacher, in reference to the foundations of writing: "Ask directed questions when your child tells you about an event or about his/her day. ‘What happened first, second, third…’ ‘What do you do when…?’ Help your child to tell "good" stories, sequenced and detailed."
Dawn, the math teacher advises: "Ask questions that push your child’s mathematical thinking further; use math with your child to resolve everyday problems – count the change in your pockets, predict how much you will owe at the grocery store."
Sue and Helen our music teachers, who often provide us with lyrics, suggest: "Sing!"
Whether your family time is around the dinner table or on the A train, genuine exchanges of information and opinion qualify as authentic learning. Our specialty.
This Week's Attachments:
Julia and Michelle's Kindergarten
Letter to First Grade Parents
Gina and Rebecca's First Grade
Letter to Second Grade Parents
Letter to Third Grade Parents
Gwen and Thomas' Fourth Grade
Valentine's Day
LREI Collection Drive
This Week's Announcements:
Bringing the Conversation Home: Shared Meeting-Adoption, LS POCOC and LGSA Committees:
There will be a meeting Thursday, Feb. 15th, 8:45-9:45 in the Sixth Avenue Cafeteria sponsored by Adoption Committee, LS POCOC, and LGSA. Information, conversation, and help with those questions kids ask about topics that may be unfamiliar, difficult, or without a ready answer - from topics in the curriculum to comments made to our children in class, on the playground, or on playdates... All parents welcome. Facilitated by Sharon Dupree, Director of Diversity and Community.
Art Auction Encore:
Thank you all for your support of last week's Art Auction. The auction brought in sales of $107,000. There are still some wonderful pieces available so next week we will have the Art Auction Encore in the Sixth Avenue Auditorium. Pieces will be on show and available for sale. There will be a final reception and last chance to purchase the art on Thursday, 2/15 from 5:30-7:00PM. For those who missed it the first time, here's your chance to see some great art and support the School.
Art Show:
Dear Parents,
You are cordially invited to the Lower School Art Show taking place in the Bleecker Street Auditorium on Feb 22 and 23. We will have an opening for the children on Feb 22 from 3:00- 4:00. Hope you can make it.
Shop News:
First Graders are learning how to use hammers and nails and glue to build strong furniture. They have made many kinds of furniture for Fluffy, our little bear who lives in the wood shop. Look in the lobby display case to see some samples of their work!
In the Upcoming Weeks...
2/14-2/16- Fourth Grade ERB Testing
2/15- Bringing the Conversation Home, 8:45AM
2/15- Final Art Reception, 5:30-7:00PM
2/19-2/20- School Closed for Presidents' Weekend
2/21- Families Assembly (students only), 9AM
2/22- Parent Rep Meeting, 8:45AM (New Date!)
2/22-2/23- Lower School Art Show
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