Thursday, April 26, 2007

Poetry in our Pockets

Dear Lower School Parents,

Whenever and wherever they can, Lower School teachers link instruction to broad areas of study and/or schoolwide initiatives. This week’s case in point is our annual Poem in your Pocket Day in which students of all ages and in all divisions were encouraged to come to school with a poetry selection in their pockets ready to be shared with classmates and faculty. In some cases, these were examples of original work, in others they represented children’s choices.

We honor this day, along with National Poetry Month, in our literacy curriculum as well. Regardless of the grade, genre studies converge in April. Memoirs, personal narratives, feature articles, biographies, “how to” and “all about” books, reports and persuasive paragraphs - all take a backseat to poetry.

Here is how our literacy specialists describe the study of poetry:

Tina Lane says: The study of poetry enhances a range of reading skills and strategies that students use in every genre, whether it be a fictional mystery or an informative text on penguins. By reading poems repeatedly and engaging in discussions on structure and purpose, students begin to recognize ways that intonation, expression and fluency can convey meaning. They grow familiar with structure and content. Visualization skills are also reinforced as children use the language in poems to create pictures in their minds, or mental imagery. This, then, deepens their understanding of setting and ability to think critically about a poem’s central message or "main idea". Finally, the study of poetry and honoring of renowned poets encourage students to work with increased creativity and imagination.

Irene Baigorri adds: In addition to the mechanics and elements of poetry that support literacy instruction across genres, poetry nurtures enthusiasm, appreciation and understanding of this ancient art. Some readers immediately love to read poetry, but for many a love of poetry is developed and a repeated exposure to poetry, particularly when read aloud, is the best way to foster this love. I would hope that Poem in your Pocket Day reminds students that poetry is art, and that it is satisfying and exciting to discover a poem that enthralls you and to say it in your own voice. What would be the costs of not including poetry in every child's education?

This year’s "Pocket" celebration was particularly lively thanks to individual stickers provided by the Literary Committee. "Ask me to read my poem", they said, and ask we did! In addition to the Jabberwocky, I was treated to a range of original creations including the following selections:

“The Magic Chocolate Bar”

Chocolate Bar, Chocolate Bar
Turn into something else,
Chocolate Bar, Chocolate Bar
Maybe two
Chocolate Bar, Chocolate Bar
I love you!

“What Is an Apostrophe”

It’s a flying comma
It’s comma’s cousin
It’s when Mr. Letter goes on vacation
And rents it out to Apostrophe.

“How Come?”

How come I can’t have a bike?
How come I can’t take a hike?
How come I can’t have a pet?
How come I can’t get wet?
How come I can’t go on a plane?
Am I too much of a pain?
How come I can’t jump on my bed?
And then my dear mother aid…
Because you ask too many questions!

“Where Has Time Gone?”

Where has time gone?
Did it take a wrong
Turn on its way over here?
Did it not hear
That we changed our plan?
Then again, it was never a fan
Of being on time.
I hope it won’t be too late.
Oh, where has time gone?

“I’m a New Yorker”

The subway pushes you back like a sonic boom.
The crowds of people feel like you are compressed, waiting to break
Free of the train’s gaping mouth.
Just waiting to gobble you up in its giant gaping mouth.

Its arched silver back rumbling into the station.
The glistening silver on its arched back as it turns into the station.

The look of awe on tourists’ faces as they see the train.
And your face held high.
I’m a New Yorker!

“Clash! Sizzle!”

clash his sword
his elven sword
co powerful!
my fire
my dragon fire!
So hot


This Week's Attachments:

Dorothy and Stacey's First Grade

Tasha and Romy's Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Big Auction

Community Service

Spring Assembly and Picnic Schedule

Spanish Resource List

This Week's Announcements:

LREI Annual Camping Trip:
The 14th annual LREI camping trip will be held on the weekend of June 1-3. All LREI families and their children -- pre-K through high school -- are invited to participate. As in past years, we expect that a good time will be had by all: hiking, swimming, sports, fishing, camping, cooking, eating, singing around the campfire, etc.
The site, as in past years, will be near the Delaware Water Gap (somewhat north of where I-80 crosses the Delaware River). The cost will be $30 per adult, $20 per child. Also, we need volunteers to help with hauling food and supplies and equipment out to the camp site (and back) and providing extra space in their vehicles for those who need a ride out and back.
More details will be forthcoming for those who are interested. We will have a sign-up table for a few mornings at LREI in May, when we get closer to the camping trip weekend. Please see the attached flyer.
Please save the date and let us know if you are interested in receiving more information -- and especially if you are interested in volunteering: Send an email to Larry White(
Neil Capobianco (
Seth Tapper (
Dave Trumbull (
Larry White (

Half-Day Tomorrow:
There will be a noon dismissal (11:45 Early Childhood) tomorrow, Friday, April 27th, for Parent-Teacher Conferences. There will be no Afterschool. There will be Childcare in the Big Room from 11:45AM to 3:00PM. Teachers will bring students directly to the Big Room at dismissal. Pizza will be served and the cost is $20.00 per child, $10.00 per sibling.

There will be Conference Coverage, free of charge, in the Big Room until 5:00PM. This is limited to 30-35 minutes of coverage. Parents will pick up students at dismissal and will bring them to the Big Room at the time of their conference.

You may call or email Kate with questions:, (212) 477-5316 ext. 215

Big Auction:
Tomorrow, Friday, April 27th is your last chance to purchase tickets for the Big Auction which is next Wednesday, May 2nd at 6:00pm at The Puck Building. Tickets must be purchased prior to the event, so if you haven't already done so, please contact Patricia Conroy at or 212-477-5316, ext. 232. To see all the great items on offer, you may view the catalog on line at, pick up a catalog in either the Sixth Avenue or Charlton Street lobby or ask Patricia to mail you one. If you are not able to attend but would like to place an absentee bid, please contact Sandra Song at or 212-477-5316, ext. 275 before the end of business on Tuesday, May 1st.
Thank you for supporting LREI.

What to Expect in First Grade:
Dear Kindergarten Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's First Grade with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Friday, May 11th.

What to Expect in Fourth Grade:
Dear Third Grade Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's Fourth Grade with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Thursday, May 10th.

In the Upcoming Weeks...

/27- Noon Dismissal (11:45AM for Early Childhood) for Parent Teacher Conferences

5/1- First Grade Parent Meeting, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/2- Fours and Early Kindergarten Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/2- Big Auction

5/3- Fourth Grade Parent Meeting with Heidi, 6:00PM, Gwen and Dave's Classroom

5/4- Second Grade Parent Meeting, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/9- Kindergarten Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/9- Chap and Meredith's Third Grade Picnic, 6:30PM

5/10- What to Expect in Fourth Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/11- What to Expect in First Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/15-Gwen and Dave's Fourth Grade Picnic, 6:30PM

5/16- Fourth Grade Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/17- Colleen and Michael's Second Grade Picnic, 6:30PM

5/21- Dorothy and Stacey's First Grade Picnic, 6:30PM

5/22- Tasha and Romy's Second Grade Picnic, 6:30PM

5/23- Second Grade Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium