Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Making It Hum

Making It Hum

As you may imagine, it takes a lot to make a division such as ours run productively. It takes a lot more to make it hum. As we move into this new transition phase, I want to acknowledge two people who have contributed so importantly to our division. They are Assistant Principals Delia Hernandez and Megan Dunphy. When she leaves at the end of this year, Delia will have completed her ninth year as Assistant Principal and Megan, her third.

They are curriculum developers, faculty mentors, innovators and masters of creative solutions. Delia’s curriculum focus is in Second through Fourth Grades, Megan’s, in special classes, such as music and gymnastics, as well as science. Delia supervises the associate teachers and Megan, specialists. Delia’s day-to-day oversight centers on the fourth floor classrooms while Megan’s, on the third. Additionally, Megan coordinates all aspects of our Lower School science program - seamlessly. And all in three days per week!

Working behind the scenes, their efforts most directly enhance the following aspects of :

  • curriculum development: science, literacy and social studies enrichment, planning and implementation
  • professional development: the mentoring of associate teachers through a program of specifically designed sessions, instructional science training also for associate teachers and regular specialist meetings
  • professional community: associate and substitute teacher hiring and student teacher placement
  • student support: intervention and guidance for children experiencing difficulty in the classroom, social justice: faculty meeting presentations and assemblies
  • parent communication: designing and editing parents letters and student reports
    educational recognition: coordination of the many professional visitors to our division, and, finally
  • coverage, coverage, coverage – accommodating the unexpected twists and turns in the life of a lower school.

The real magic, however, lies in Megan and Delia’s great good cheer, the laughter, optimism and unshakable trust in our community that transform crises into challenges and challenges into celebrations. I’ve been most fortunate to have worked with this talented duo. Please join me in thanking them both. Without Delia and Megan, there could have been no hum.


This Week's Attachments:

Luise and Michelle's Kindergarten

Lauren and Laura's Kindergarten

Tasha and Romy's Second Grade

Kelly and Ayanna's Third Grade

Chap and Meredith's Third Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Parent Rep Meeting Minutes

Community Service

Spring Assembly and Picnic Schedule

Cinco de Mayo Party

Spanish Resource List

This Week's Announcements:

First Grade Assembly Rescheduled:
The First Grade Assembly has been rescheduled for this upcoming Wednesday, May 9th, at 8:45 in the Big Room on the fourth floor.

Class of 2007:
We are so proud of our seniors. As they move towards graduation, just over a month away, it is time to step back and look at all that these wonderful people have accomplished during their time at LREI. Among these accomplishments is gaining admission to many fine colleges and universities. Follow the links below to see a list of this year’s college acceptances and a list of college acceptances for the 2004-2006 school years. Congratulations, seniors!!!!
Philip Kassen
2007 College Acceptances
2004-2007 List of College Acceptances

LREI Annual Camping Trip:
The 14th annual LREI camping trip will be held on the weekend of June 1-3. All LREI families and their children -- pre-K through high school -- are invited to participate. As in past years, we expect that a good time will be had by all: hiking, swimming, sports, fishing, camping, cooking, eating, singing around the campfire, etc.The site, as in past years, will be near the Delaware Water Gap (somewhat north of where I-80 crosses the Delaware River). The cost will be $30 per adult, $20 per child. Also, we need volunteers to help with hauling food and supplies and equipment out to the camp site (and back) and providing extra space in their vehicles for those who need a ride out and back.
More details will be forthcoming for those who are interested. We will have a sign-up table for a few mornings at LREI in May, when we get closer to the camping trip weekend. Please see the attached flyer.Please save the date and let us know if you are interested in receiving more information -- and especially if you are interested in volunteering: Send an email to Larry White(
Neil Capobianco (
Seth Tapper (
Dave Trumbull (
Larry White (

What to Expect in First Grade:
Dear Kindergarten Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's First Grade with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Friday, May 11th.

What to Expect in Fourth Grade:
Dear Third Grade Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's Fourth Grade with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Thursday, May 10th.

What to Expect in Fifth Grade:
Dear Fourth Grade Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's Fifth Grade and the transition into Middle School with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Tuesday, May 29th.
Elaine and Mark

Adult Choral Concert:
Glass Menagerie, LREI's resident adult chorus, conducted by former LREI music teacher and current LREI parent Susan Glass, will perform its annual Spring Concert UPTOWN:
Friday May 11th, 8:00PM
Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew
86th Street and West End Avenue
For more information:
Please Click Here

In the Upcoming Weeks...

5/4- What to Expect in Third Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/6- Cinco de Mayo Party, 12:00PM, Bleecker St.

5/9- Kindergarten and First Grade Assemblies, 8:45AM: Kingergarten-Auditorium, First Grade-Big Room

5/9- Chap and Meredith's Third Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/10- What to Expect in Fourth Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/11- What to Expect in First Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/11- Glass Menagerie, 8:00PM, The Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew

5/14-Gwen and Dave's Fourth Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/16- Fourth Grade Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/17- Parent Rep Meeting, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/17- Michael and Dawn's Second Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/21- Dorothy and Stacey's First Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/22- Tasha and Romy's Second Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/23- Second Grade Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/24- LREI Chorus Concert

5/25- Field Day and noon dismissal (11:45EK) for Memorial Day Weekend

5/28- School Closed for Memorial Day

5/29- What to Expect in Fifth Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria