Dear Parents,
Hold on to your hats (witches' or otherwise)'s what's in store for the week:
This Week's Attachments:
Jamie/Dave and Gina/Elizabeth's First Grades -
Margaret's Second Grade Math #1 -
Margaret's Second Grade Math #2 -
Message from Elaine -
Message from Director Phil Kassen -
Halloween Fair Notice -
Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF -
Parent Rep Meeting Minutes -
Third and Fourth Grade Family Math & Science Night -
Scheduled for Tuesday, November 1 at 6:00PM, this promises to be a fun-filled evening of hands-on math and science activities for parents and kids to do together - don't miss it! No advance sign-up is necessary. We ask that only Third and Fourth Graders attend the evening's activities, but childcare is available for siblings - please sign up at the front desk. If you are a First or Second Grade parent, mark your calendars for your Family Math & Science Night, coming up on November 22nd!
Parent/Teacher Conference Childcare for November 4th -
- Childcare is available on Friday, November 4th from 8:00AM - 3:00PM.
- Drop-in care for the time of your conference only will be available free of charge, with no advance sign-up necessary.
- All-day care is also available. This requires advance sign-up with Bonnie Maloney ( or x215), as there are a limited number of spots available for the day. Children who attend all-day childcare must bring a bagged lunch (no nuts, seeds or glass bottles, please!), and might want to bring a book, journal, blanket/rest animal. The day's activities will include reading, games and roof recess. The cost of this program is $15 and $5 for siblings.
- If your conference is scheduled for after 3:00PM when care is not available, it is up to you to make other arrangements for your child.
- Please plan to leave only your LREI students in our childcare program.
- Childcare will also be available on Friday, November 11th. More details will be provided about this in next week's blog.
Third and Fourth Grade Chorus - Helen will have an extra chorus rehearsal after school on November 21st until 4:00PM.
Mark Your Calendars!
School is closed on:
- Friday, November 4 - for Parent-Teacher Conferences
There is a half-day on:
- Friday, November 11 - for Parent-Teacher Conferences (School dismisses at 12:00, 11:45 Fours-First Grades)
In the Next Few Weeks:
10/28 - Chap, Michael, Stacey and Third Graders return from the farm
10/30 - 1:30PM - Halloween Fair
11/1 - 6:00PM - Third and Fourth Grade Family Math and Science Night
11/2 - 8:45AM - Third and Fourth Grade Assembly
11/2 - Gina and Elizabeth & Jamie/Dave's First Grade trip to Union Square Farmers' Market
11/3 - 8:00AM - Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance Meeting
11/4 - School Closed for Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/8 - Kelly, Meredith, Stacey and Third Graders leave for the farm
11/9 - 8:45AM - First Grade Assembly
11/9 - Luise and Julia's Kindergarten trip to Union Square Farmers' Market
11/11 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - school closes at 12:00PM (11:45 - Fours-First Grades)
11/11 - Kelly, Meredith, Stacey and Third Graders return from the farm
11/16 - 8:45AM - Kindergarten Assembly
11/17 - 8:45AM - Parent Rep Meeting