Thursday, May 31, 2007


Recently, I’ve been visiting Lower School classrooms to speak to students about my leaving. I like to compare it to their moving on to a new grade: the current grade is familiar and interesting, but they know they’re ready for new work – ready to stretch themselves in a different environment with a new mix of classmates. My own situation is similar: part of me would love to continue at LREI where I have many friends and interests and where the work is always new and exciting; another stronger part is excited by the challenges of a new career.

In the course of these conversations with the Fourth Graders, students asked specific questions about my future plans. I told them I could use their help – that I knew I wanted to work with children, either in connection with the arts or in a field that allows me to support children who have few opportunities. When I asked Fourth Graders for their advice, many of them felt that working with less advantaged children was the right choice because "it’s not fair". Others had these suggestions:
  • I was thinking… maybe you could start a greeting card company because of the way you always greet us in the morning.
  • Well, if you do art, let the kids have a free day so they can use their own ideas some of the time.
  • I really enjoy Morning Meeting, so I was thinking you could start a mini-newspaper to tell people what’s going on in the world.
  • You should do something you’re really good at.
  • It’s kind of like choosing a book – you should do something that’s just right, not too hard.
    You should do something you really enjoy!
  • Do you like movies? Maybe you could be a movie critic, then you’d see a lot of them.
  • Maybe you should do something off the beaten path – like teach water skiing.
  • I think you should be a feelings teacher.
  • Yeah, because you always help people with their problems. (One time I came into your office, I was rambling and raving—I didn’t even know what I meant, but YOU did!)
  • Or you could write a book about being a principal at the Little Red School House.
  • You could call it, "The Joy of a Problem."


This Week's Attachments:


Early Kindergarten

Second Grade

Gay Pride March

This Week's Announcements:

Library Books:
All library books are due tomorrow, Friday, June 1st.

Gwen and Dave's Fourth Grade Play:
Gwen and Dave's Fourth Grade will perform The Great Kapok Tree on Wednesday, June 6th at 8:50 in the auditorium. We will have coffee and student books about rainforest animals available for review in the auditorium by 8:30. These books may also be viewed on June 1st from 8-9 in our classroom.

In the Upcoming Weeks:

6/4- Luise and Michelle's Kindergarten Picnic, 6:00PM

6/6- Fours and EK Movement Assembly, 8:45AM, Big Room

6/7- Diane and Lisa's Early Kindergarten Picnic, 6:00PM

6/11- Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony, 9:00AM, Auditorium

6/11- Suzanne and Caroline's Fourth Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

6/12- Last day of school, 12:00 dismissal (11:45 Early Childhood)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Kindergarten through Second Grade


I visited a Kindergarten block city last week. It contained the following: a bank, a fire station, police station, a clothing store, supermarket, apartment building, a hotel, a hospital and LREI. (baek, fir stashn, poles stasn, soopr morcat and litl red sool huos) The residents (made-to-scale wooden block people) were dressed in bright paper outfits designed by the children to identify their roles; wooden cars were similarly identified. Signs were posted to convey need-to-know information: clos 8AM, opn 8AM-6PM EVRE DAY, WACON TO LREI, ples do not open the door and, in the hospital, an INMR JINSEY room. I was told that one person lived in the apartment building, but worked in the bank. He drove his car to work. Other cars took people to the supermarket. When the super of the apartment building had some free time, he crossed the street to chat with his neighbors, the "fire people".

With paper and plasticene, children furnished their buildings, adding details to be used in the social interaction of dramatic play. There was clothing for women and babies in the clothing store, there were large beds (gemungous), round couches and plasma TVs in the furniture store, produce and packaged goods in the supermarket and beds and an "employees only" cafeteria in the hospital. These five and six year olds were representing what they had learned about ways that people work together and enrich each other’s lives.


Harriet Cuffaro, our social studies coordinator, stood looking at the First Grade block buildings. She noticed children’s signs identifying: a fire stashin, police stachin, a bilding, a subwe, an a partment building and a no prking sign. Joining two girls over snack, she asked for an update on their buildings. As it turned out., one child was a "teacher" and had a school, the other, a "tailor", had a shop.
Tailor: Do you want to come see my building? I have a tailor shop.
Harriet: Yes, I'd like that.
Teacher: I have a school.
Harriet: Is it for children or grownups?
Teacher: Children. It's a First Grade.
Harriet asks the Tailor, Do you have children?
Tailor: Yes, but she doesn't go to school yet. (Pause) She needs school to learn how to read.
Teacher: I have a school.
Harriet: Maybe you can take your child to visit the school.
Tailor: How old are the children in the school?
Teacher: It's First Grade. How old is your child?
Tailor: 6-7.
They walk over to the school building.
Teacher: Here is the cafeteria. Here's where they work.
Harriet: I see you also have a school bus.
Moving to the tailor shop, the Tailor demonstrates how the shop works. The tailor makes quilts.
Teacher: (Looking at the shop.....) We can do a trip with the school to the tailor shop.
Tailor: Yes, that would be nice. You can come.
Teacher: First, we are going to the police station.


At this point in the year, Second Graders, our division’s most experienced builders, leave blocks behind to construct a permanent city made exclusively of recycled materials. The first step in this project was to design bird’s-eye view maps of what their city would look like, addressing challenges of space and proximity first with paper and pencil. As they worked, Second Graders asked large questions: Will this city be an island? Will it have a river? Sidewalks? Where will people get their water? How will they get power? (In one room, students decided on a solar powered city.) They then discussed which buildings would be key in meeting residents’ needs. They chose: a privt school like LREI, a bookstore, a college, a kids muesme and a library; a jail, fire and police stashons; a hospital and pharmacy, doctor and dentist’s offfices; an art galory and museum and a house, apartment and condo. Situating these buildings was the work of students’ government agencies or committees: Education, Safety, Health, Arts and Entertainment, and Housing. The Transportation Committee decided to create cars, subways, muving truks and modursikules; Parks and Open Spaces - a water fountian, climing structure and basketball cort. (Committee members are featured on the bulletin boards outside the fourth floor classrooms with their maps.) Finally, combining their art, shop and social studies work times, students began the actual construction, creating buildings with detailed accessories that underscore a building’s usefulness to the community and weave a fabric of interdependencies.

The above are three examples of culminating social studies explorations. As they translate conceptual understanding into actuality, students can envision the integration of community lives, rewards and responsibilities. On a personal plane, they integrate their own skills and understanding in literacy, math and science. Process into product, and learning with a capital, make it upper case, L.


This Week's Attachments:

Early Kindergarten


Second Grade

Field Day

Language Survey

Language Survey Form

Afterschool's Piano/Voice Recital and Instrumental Concert

Afterschool Enrichment Share

This Week's Announcements:

Field Day and Early Dismissal:
Tomorrow is Field Day! Pick-up is at 1:00PM (12:45 for Early Childhood) and there is no Afterschool. It is going to be hot, so don't forget sunblock.

PA Ballot:
Please fill out the attatched PA ballot and return to the reception desk at the Sixth Ave. or Charlton St. buildings by Wednesday, May 30th. Hard copies are also available at the reception desks.
Click Here

Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony:
PLEASE SAVE THE DATE! The Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony will take place on Monday, June 11th at 9:00 AM in the auditorium.

Camping Trip:
The 14th annual LREI camping trip will be held on the weekend of June 1-3. All LREI families and their children -- pre-K through high school -- are invited to participate. As in past years, we expect that a good time will be had by all: hiking, swimming, sports, fishing, camping, cooking, eating, singing around the campfire, etc.The site, as in past years, will be near the Delaware Water Gap (somewhat north of where I-80 crosses the Delaware River). The cost will be $30 per adult, $20 per child. Also, we need volunteers to help with hauling food and supplies and equipment out to the camp site (and back) and providing extra space in their vehicles for those who need a ride out and back.
More details will be forthcoming for those who are interested. We will have a sign-up table for a few mornings at LREI in May, when we get closer to the camping trip weekend. Please see the attached flyer.Please save the date and let us know if you are interested in receiving more information -- and especially if you are interested in volunteering: Send an email to Larry White(

Neil Capobianco (
Seth Tapper (
Dave Trumbull (
Larry White (
Please Click Here

In the Upcoming Weeks...

5/25- Field Day and 1:00PM dismissal (12:45EC) for Memorial Day Weekend

5/28- School Closed for Memorial Day

5/29- What to Expect in Fifth Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/30- Kindergarten Movement Assembly, 8:45AM, Big Room

5/30- Jamie and Bonnie's First Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

6/1- Library books due

6/4- Luise and Michelle's Kindergarten Picnic, 6:00PM

6/6- Fours and EK Movement Assembly, 8:45AM, Big Room

6/7- Diane and Lisa's Early Kindergarten Picnic, 6:00PM

6/11- Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony, 9:00AM, Auditorium

6/11- Suzanne and Caroline's Fourth Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

Thursday, May 17, 2007


A week from today, on Thursday, May 24th, we’ll be celebrating!

Spring Book Fair
The Spring Book Fair will be happening from 8:00AM-6:00PM in the Sixth Avenue Auditorium. This is a wonderful opportunity to stock up on quality summer reading for your children. And what could be more convenient?!?

Spring Concert
The Spring Concert begins at 6:30PM in the PAC. Simply put, it is joyous! I hope you will try to attend with your children, whatever their age. Come to enjoy the music of our choruses and band – to relax and be transported.


Staff writer Louis Menand remarked in this week’s The Talk of the Town article, “The Graduates”, “You can’t learn when you’re afraid of being wrong.” His context was meritocracy and the extraordinarily selective process surrounding entrance into competitive colleges. He framed it with, “Everything you do in a meritocratic society is some kind of test, and there is never a final exam. There is only another test. People seem to pick up on this earlier and earlier in their lives, and at some point it starts to get in the way of their being educated. You can’t learn when you’re afraid of being wrong.”

I’d like to let this quote stand on its own, only to underscore how highly everyone at LREI values intellectual risk taking, that willingness on the part of students to offer up original answers and theories when they’ve thought through but are not sure of their accuracy – when they might be wrong. Only by going out on a limb can students reflect on and extend their knowledge and understandings, only then can they truly learn.


This Week's Announcements:

The Diversity Dialogue Continues:
Topic: Socio Economic Diversity
Sharon Dupree will facilitate a conversation in the Sixth Ave cafeteria this Friday, May 18th at 8:45 am.
All are welcome.
Thank You,
The Parents' Association
Please Click Here

Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony:
PLEASE SAVE THE DATE! The Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony will take place on Monday, June 11th at 9:00 AM in the auditorium.

Parent Representatives:
Thank you to all of you who have served as Parent Representatives during the 2006-2007 school year. Your attention to the children is much appreciated. If you would like to be a Parent Rep during the 2007-2008 school year, email Kasey Picayo at

Spring Concert:
Please join our music department choruses and instrumentalists at the LREI Spring Concert Thursday, May 24th, from 6:30PM until 8:00PM , in the PAC on Charlton Street. The concert is free. This grand culminating event for the performing arts this year includes singers and instrumentalists from all three divisions, and was inadvertently omitted from the Parent Association calendar:
The Little Red Chorus (Lower School) directed by Helen Yoo
The Little Red Singers (Middle School) directed by Henry Chapin
The Elizabeth Irwin Singers (High School) directed by Sunny Kim
The High School Jazz Band directed by Vin Scialla
The concert will conclude with a grand finale: All choruses and jazz band players will join forces to perform "Des Colores," LREI’s 2007 anthem-like favorite, which has been sung at various assemblies this year, including Founder’s Day.
This concert is for the entire LREI community, including families of students who are not participating currently in school ensembles. Come out and support our music department, and hear a splendid concert of magnificent choral and instrumental music.

LREI Annual Camping Trip:
The 14th annual LREI camping trip will be held on the weekend of June 1-3. All LREI families and their children -- pre-K through high school -- are invited to participate. As in past years, we expect that a good time will be had by all: hiking, swimming, sports, fishing, camping, cooking, eating, singing around the campfire, etc.The site, as in past years, will be near the Delaware Water Gap (somewhat north of where I-80 crosses the Delaware River). The cost will be $30 per adult, $20 per child. Also, we need volunteers to help with hauling food and supplies and equipment out to the camp site (and back) and providing extra space in their vehicles for those who need a ride out and back.
More details will be forthcoming for those who are interested. We will have a sign-up table for a few mornings at LREI in May, when we get closer to the camping trip weekend. Please see the attached flyer.Please save the date and let us know if you are interested in receiving more information -- and especially if you are interested in volunteering: Send an email to Larry White(
Neil Capobianco (
Seth Tapper (
Dave Trumbull (
Larry White (
Please Click Here

From the LREI Librarians:
The library will be converting to a new computer catalog towards the end of June. You may have noticed that the library catalog can no longer be accessed through your computers, or any computer in the school. This is because the software (Winnebago) we currently have is incompatible with the newer Macs. The new system (Follett) is far superior to the product we have now, and will enable parents, faculty, students and staff to view our holdings via the Internet and link directly to websites from subject headings. We are extremely excited about the conversion upgrade because it will provide the entire LREI community with much improved library services that will greatly enhance all aspects of the reading and research process. While we hope to make this transition as painless as possible for everyone involved, it will require some level of cooperation from the whole school community. Because of the upcoming conversion, it is more important than ever that all LREI library books be returned to both libraries by Friday, June 1st. Like past years, we will be closing to circulation on this day, which means that while we will continue to check materials in, we will no longer check any more materials out. Please look through your child's bookshelves at home, through closets and under beds for any stray LREI library books. We will be sending home overdue slips as usual, and please let us know if there are any errors on your child's slip. Thanks for your patience, and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about this process.

In the Upcoming Weeks...

5/18- Diversity Dialogue, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/21- Dorothy and Stacey's First Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/22- Tasha and Romy's Second Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/23- Second Grade Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/24- LREI Chorus Concert

5/25- Field Day and 1:00PM dismissal (12:45EK) for Memorial Day Weekend

5/28- School Closed for Memorial Day

5/29- What to Expect in Fifth Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/30- Kindergarten Movement Assembly, 8:45AM, Big Room

5/30- Jamie and Bonnie's First Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

6/4- Luise and Michelle's Kindergarten Picnic, 6:00PM

6/6- Fours and EK Movement Assembly, 8:45AM, Big Room

6/7- Diane and Lisa's Early Kindergarten Picnic, 6:00PM

6/11- Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony, 9:00AM, Auditorium

6/11- Suzanne and Caroline's Fourth Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Running down a hill, rolling a pencil down a ramp.
Running down a steep hill, rolling a pencil down a steep ramp.

How does angle affect speed? What about height and length? Recently, members of the Early Kindergarten experimented firsthand with these dynamics. I happened on them as they crouched in the hallway outside of their room hard at work with Megan predicting distances, then experimenting to verify and compare the outcomes. They had built several ramps with blocks and were armed with markers, crayons and pencils, which they placed at the top of each ramp and rolled down one after the other. When an implement came to a complete stop, a student marked that place with a scrap of paper. Many of these peppered the floor when I arrived. With Megan’s guidance, students made the following observations:

"If the ramp was longer, the pencils went faster. When the ramp was taller, the pencils rolled farther."
"With a shorter ramp, the pencils rolled short. When we used a taller ramp, the pencils rolled a looooong way. When we used a long ramp, it went just like the tall ramp."
"When a ramp is longer, the pencil went faster. If the ramp was taller, the pencil went faster, too."

As it turned out, this exploration also related to the EK’s study of transportation in the city. Teachers had invited a wheelchair user to visit the room (the mother of MS teacher Margaret Andrews) and talk about the ways she navigates the city. She introduced the importance of ramps and children extended the concept with drawings and dictation:

"People use ramps to get from one place to another. When they have wheelchairs, it’s easier to get around because wheels need flat places."
"People use ramps if they have a wheelchair so they can get in and out of their cars."
"People use ramps for rolling snowballs down them! They can also use them for pushing carts up to a store."
"People use ramps to get bowling balls and people use ramps to walk down."

And you should see their illustrations!


  • EK: Charles Hassell will work with Diane as her Associate Teacher. Charles was formerly a Kindergarten Associate here with Brooke Nuell, worked as the Lower / Middle School Associate teacher and has long been a part of our summer camp program. Welcome back, Charles!
  • SECOND GRADE: Jackie Hart is our new Second Grade Co-Teacher and will share the classroom with Colleen in the spring. Jackie has four years of head teaching experience, three of these in Second Grade. She comes to us highly recommended from The School at Columbia.
  • SECOND GRADE: Rebecca Schwartz, currently First Grade Associate Teacher with Gina Goldmann, will co-teach with Tasha Hernandez. Rebecca has taught both First and Fourth Grades and already knows many of next year’s Second Graders!
  • THIRD GRADE: Alison Cupp has spent two years as a Second and Third Grade Associate Teacher at The Town School. Prior to her classroom experience, Alison was involved in museum education and in the field of marketing.
  • THIRD GRADE: Elaine Schreger has had five years of classroom experience. Most recently, she was the Fourth Grade Head Teacher at Collegiate School. Elaine had a career as a lawyer before entering education.
  • MUSIC: Ledell Mulvaney comes to us with many years’ experience as music teacher extraordinaire. Ledell received the Distinguished Teacher Award in the Greenwich Public School system and has considerable expertise as music teacher, band leader, chorus director and creator of original musical productions.
  • We are also fortunate this year to welcome back a number of returning Associate Teachers. They are: Caroline Johnston (Fours). Molly Clarke (Kindergarten), Stacey Miehe (Kindergarten), Bonnie Maloney (First Grade), Debbie Lennon (First Grade), Lisa Chung (Third Grade) and Dave Cataletto (Lower/Middle School Associate).

We are delighted to welcome this extremely talented group of teachers!

Most often spring picnics take place on our roof, though not always, and are wonderful, warm celebrations of the school year. Below are a few guidelines, generated over the years to help make these events run smoothly.

  • Picnics are parent-run events. Reps will ask for your help in bringing dinner foods and setting up the tables. Our maintenance staff will bring tables up to the roof for each picnic.
  • We welcome siblings, younger and older, but no outside guests, please.
  • Students (and siblings) should adhere to classroom rules - using the space respectfully according to your teachers’ guidelines.
  • Parents are kindly asked to keep an eye on their own children.
  • Please remember that the roof playground will be in use bright and early the following morning. Your help in cleaning up is much appreciated.


This Week's Attachments:

Early Kindergarten

Gina and Rebecca's First Grade

Second Grade

Fourth Grade Math

Language Survey

LREI Spring Arts Project

Book Fair

Community Service Calendar

Spanish Resources

This Week's Announcements:

What to Expect in First Grade:
Dear Kindergarten Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's First Grade with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Friday, May 11th.

What to Expect in Fifth Grade:
Dear Fourth Grade Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's Fifth Grade and the transition into Middle School with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Tuesday, May 29th.
Elaine and Mark

Shop News:
Trees, vehicles, and animals with moving parts are all in the lobby display case! First Graders learned how to use coping saws and they cut out intricate tree shapes. Second Graders investigated wood joinery and made vehicles. Third Graders made animals with moving parts using the coping and crosscut saws and many kinds of wood joinery. Make your day--look in the lobby display case!

Adult Choral Concert:
Glass Menagerie, LREI's resident adult chorus, conducted by former LREI music teacher and current LREI parent Susan Glass, will perform its annual Spring Concert UPTOWN:
Friday May 11th, 8:00PM
Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew
86th Street and West End Avenue
For more information:
Please Click Here

Class of 2007:
We are so proud of our seniors. As they move towards graduation, just over a month away, it is time to step back and look at all that these wonderful people have accomplished during their time at LREI. Among these accomplishments is gaining admission to many fine colleges and universities. Follow the links below to see a list of this year’s college acceptances and a list of college acceptances for the 2004-2006 school years. Congratulations, seniors!!!!
Philip Kassen

2007 College Acceptances

2004-2007 List of College Acceptances

From the LREI Librarians:
The library will be converting to a new computer catalog towards the end of June. You may have noticed that the library catalog can no longer be accessed through your computers, or any computer in the school. This is because the software (Winnebago) we currently have is incompatible with the newer Macs. The new system (Follett) is far superior to the product we have now, and will enable parents, faculty, students and staff to view our holdings via the Internet and link directly to websites from subject headings. We are extremely excited about the conversion upgrade because it will provide the entire LREI community with much improved library services that will greatly enhance all aspects of the reading and research process. While we hope to make this transition as painless as possible for everyone involved, it will require some level of cooperation from the whole school community. Because of the upcoming conversion, it is more important than ever that all LREI library books be returned to both libraries by Friday, June 1st. Like past years, we will be closing to circulation on this day, which means that while we will continue to check materials in, we will no longer check any more materials out. Please look through your child's bookshelves at home, through closets and under beds for any stray LREI library books. We will be sending home overdue slips as usual, and please let us know if there are any errors on your child's slip. Thanks for your patience, and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about this process.

LREI Annual Camping Trip:
The 14th annual LREI camping trip will be held on the weekend of June 1-3. All LREI families and their children -- pre-K through high school -- are invited to participate. As in past years, we expect that a good time will be had by all: hiking, swimming, sports, fishing, camping, cooking, eating, singing around the campfire, etc.The site, as in past years, will be near the Delaware Water Gap (somewhat north of where I-80 crosses the Delaware River). The cost will be $30 per adult, $20 per child. Also, we need volunteers to help with hauling food and supplies and equipment out to the camp site (and back) and providing extra space in their vehicles for those who need a ride out and back.
More details will be forthcoming for those who are interested. We will have a sign-up table for a few mornings at LREI in May, when we get closer to the camping trip weekend. Please see the attached flyer.Please save the date and let us know if you are interested in receiving more information -- and especially if you are interested in volunteering: Send an email to Larry White(
Neil Capobianco (
Seth Tapper (
Dave Trumbull (
Larry White (
Please Click Here

In the Upcoming Weeks...

5/11- What to Expect in First Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/11- Glass Menagerie, 8:00PM, The Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew

5/14-Gwen and Dave's Fourth Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/16- Fourth Grade Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/17- Parent Rep Meeting, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/17- Michael and Dawn's Second Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/21- Dorothy and Stacey's First Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/22- Tasha and Romy's Second Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/23- Second Grade Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/24- LREI Chorus Concert

5/25- Field Day and noon dismissal (11:45EK) for Memorial Day Weekend

5/28- School Closed for Memorial Day

5/29- What to Expect in Fifth Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/30- Kindergarten Movement Assembly, 8:45AM, Big Room

5/30- Jamie and Bonnie's First Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

6/4- Luise and Michelle's Kindergarten Picnic, 6:00PM

6/6- Fours and EK Movement Assembly, 8:45AM, Big Room

6/7- Diane and Lisa's Early Kindergarten Picnic, 6:00PM

6/11- Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony, 9:00AM, Auditorium

6/11- Suzanne and Caroline's Fourth Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Making It Hum

Making It Hum

As you may imagine, it takes a lot to make a division such as ours run productively. It takes a lot more to make it hum. As we move into this new transition phase, I want to acknowledge two people who have contributed so importantly to our division. They are Assistant Principals Delia Hernandez and Megan Dunphy. When she leaves at the end of this year, Delia will have completed her ninth year as Assistant Principal and Megan, her third.

They are curriculum developers, faculty mentors, innovators and masters of creative solutions. Delia’s curriculum focus is in Second through Fourth Grades, Megan’s, in special classes, such as music and gymnastics, as well as science. Delia supervises the associate teachers and Megan, specialists. Delia’s day-to-day oversight centers on the fourth floor classrooms while Megan’s, on the third. Additionally, Megan coordinates all aspects of our Lower School science program - seamlessly. And all in three days per week!

Working behind the scenes, their efforts most directly enhance the following aspects of :

  • curriculum development: science, literacy and social studies enrichment, planning and implementation
  • professional development: the mentoring of associate teachers through a program of specifically designed sessions, instructional science training also for associate teachers and regular specialist meetings
  • professional community: associate and substitute teacher hiring and student teacher placement
  • student support: intervention and guidance for children experiencing difficulty in the classroom, social justice: faculty meeting presentations and assemblies
  • parent communication: designing and editing parents letters and student reports
    educational recognition: coordination of the many professional visitors to our division, and, finally
  • coverage, coverage, coverage – accommodating the unexpected twists and turns in the life of a lower school.

The real magic, however, lies in Megan and Delia’s great good cheer, the laughter, optimism and unshakable trust in our community that transform crises into challenges and challenges into celebrations. I’ve been most fortunate to have worked with this talented duo. Please join me in thanking them both. Without Delia and Megan, there could have been no hum.


This Week's Attachments:

Luise and Michelle's Kindergarten

Lauren and Laura's Kindergarten

Tasha and Romy's Second Grade

Kelly and Ayanna's Third Grade

Chap and Meredith's Third Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Parent Rep Meeting Minutes

Community Service

Spring Assembly and Picnic Schedule

Cinco de Mayo Party

Spanish Resource List

This Week's Announcements:

First Grade Assembly Rescheduled:
The First Grade Assembly has been rescheduled for this upcoming Wednesday, May 9th, at 8:45 in the Big Room on the fourth floor.

Class of 2007:
We are so proud of our seniors. As they move towards graduation, just over a month away, it is time to step back and look at all that these wonderful people have accomplished during their time at LREI. Among these accomplishments is gaining admission to many fine colleges and universities. Follow the links below to see a list of this year’s college acceptances and a list of college acceptances for the 2004-2006 school years. Congratulations, seniors!!!!
Philip Kassen
2007 College Acceptances
2004-2007 List of College Acceptances

LREI Annual Camping Trip:
The 14th annual LREI camping trip will be held on the weekend of June 1-3. All LREI families and their children -- pre-K through high school -- are invited to participate. As in past years, we expect that a good time will be had by all: hiking, swimming, sports, fishing, camping, cooking, eating, singing around the campfire, etc.The site, as in past years, will be near the Delaware Water Gap (somewhat north of where I-80 crosses the Delaware River). The cost will be $30 per adult, $20 per child. Also, we need volunteers to help with hauling food and supplies and equipment out to the camp site (and back) and providing extra space in their vehicles for those who need a ride out and back.
More details will be forthcoming for those who are interested. We will have a sign-up table for a few mornings at LREI in May, when we get closer to the camping trip weekend. Please see the attached flyer.Please save the date and let us know if you are interested in receiving more information -- and especially if you are interested in volunteering: Send an email to Larry White(
Neil Capobianco (
Seth Tapper (
Dave Trumbull (
Larry White (

What to Expect in First Grade:
Dear Kindergarten Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's First Grade with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Friday, May 11th.

What to Expect in Fourth Grade:
Dear Third Grade Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's Fourth Grade with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Thursday, May 10th.

What to Expect in Fifth Grade:
Dear Fourth Grade Parents,
We look forward to discussing our plans for next year's Fifth Grade and the transition into Middle School with you and hope you can join us in the cafeteria at 8:45AM on Tuesday, May 29th.
Elaine and Mark

Adult Choral Concert:
Glass Menagerie, LREI's resident adult chorus, conducted by former LREI music teacher and current LREI parent Susan Glass, will perform its annual Spring Concert UPTOWN:
Friday May 11th, 8:00PM
Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew
86th Street and West End Avenue
For more information:
Please Click Here

In the Upcoming Weeks...

5/4- What to Expect in Third Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/6- Cinco de Mayo Party, 12:00PM, Bleecker St.

5/9- Kindergarten and First Grade Assemblies, 8:45AM: Kingergarten-Auditorium, First Grade-Big Room

5/9- Chap and Meredith's Third Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/10- What to Expect in Fourth Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/11- What to Expect in First Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/11- Glass Menagerie, 8:00PM, The Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew

5/14-Gwen and Dave's Fourth Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/16- Fourth Grade Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/17- Parent Rep Meeting, 8:45AM, Cafeteria

5/17- Michael and Dawn's Second Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/21- Dorothy and Stacey's First Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/22- Tasha and Romy's Second Grade Picnic, 6:00PM

5/23- Second Grade Assembly, 8:45AM, Auditorium

5/24- LREI Chorus Concert

5/25- Field Day and noon dismissal (11:45EK) for Memorial Day Weekend

5/28- School Closed for Memorial Day

5/29- What to Expect in Fifth Grade, 8:45AM, Cafeteria