Thursday, October 27, 2005

Dear Parents,

Hold on to your hats (witches' or otherwise)'s what's in store for the week:

This Week's Attachments:

Jamie/Dave and Gina/Elizabeth's First Grades -

Margaret's Second Grade Math #1 -

Margaret's Second Grade Math #2 -

Message from Elaine -

Message from Director Phil Kassen -

Halloween Fair Notice -

Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF -

Parent Rep Meeting Minutes -


Third and Fourth Grade Family Math & Science Night -

Scheduled for Tuesday, November 1 at 6:00PM, this promises to be a fun-filled evening of hands-on math and science activities for parents and kids to do together - don't miss it! No advance sign-up is necessary. We ask that only Third and Fourth Graders attend the evening's activities, but childcare is available for siblings - please sign up at the front desk. If you are a First or Second Grade parent, mark your calendars for your Family Math & Science Night, coming up on November 22nd!

Parent/Teacher Conference Childcare for November 4th -

  • Childcare is available on Friday, November 4th from 8:00AM - 3:00PM.
  • Drop-in care for the time of your conference only will be available free of charge, with no advance sign-up necessary.
  • All-day care is also available. This requires advance sign-up with Bonnie Maloney ( or x215), as there are a limited number of spots available for the day. Children who attend all-day childcare must bring a bagged lunch (no nuts, seeds or glass bottles, please!), and might want to bring a book, journal, blanket/rest animal. The day's activities will include reading, games and roof recess. The cost of this program is $15 and $5 for siblings.
  • If your conference is scheduled for after 3:00PM when care is not available, it is up to you to make other arrangements for your child.
  • Please plan to leave only your LREI students in our childcare program.
  • Childcare will also be available on Friday, November 11th. More details will be provided about this in next week's blog.

Third and Fourth Grade Chorus - Helen will have an extra chorus rehearsal after school on November 21st until 4:00PM.

Mark Your Calendars!

School is closed on:

  • Friday, November 4 - for Parent-Teacher Conferences

There is a half-day on:

  • Friday, November 11 - for Parent-Teacher Conferences (School dismisses at 12:00, 11:45 Fours-First Grades)

In the Next Few Weeks:

10/28 - Chap, Michael, Stacey and Third Graders return from the farm

10/30 - 1:30PM - Halloween Fair

11/1 - 6:00PM - Third and Fourth Grade Family Math and Science Night

11/2 - 8:45AM - Third and Fourth Grade Assembly

11/2 - Gina and Elizabeth & Jamie/Dave's First Grade trip to Union Square Farmers' Market

11/3 - 8:00AM - Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance Meeting

11/4 - School Closed for Parent/Teacher Conferences

11/8 - Kelly, Meredith, Stacey and Third Graders leave for the farm

11/9 - 8:45AM - First Grade Assembly

11/9 - Luise and Julia's Kindergarten trip to Union Square Farmers' Market

11/11 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - school closes at 12:00PM (11:45 - Fours-First Grades)

11/11 - Kelly, Meredith, Stacey and Third Graders return from the farm

11/16 - 8:45AM - Kindergarten Assembly

11/17 - 8:45AM - Parent Rep Meeting

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Season Carries Us Forward...

Dear Parents,

As is typical at LREI, our parent body includes a number of high visibility artists and performers. Please remember that their participation here is as parents to their child/ren. Allow them to keep their professional lives separate by not requesting tickets to events or discussing their work within the context of the schoolday. Many thanks.

We are now in those in between weeks following our set of Curriculum Meetings (in which teachers discussed the year's program and goals and provided an overview of your children's experiences) and preceding Parent Teacher Conferences focused on your child alone. We have had our first joyful Lower School Assembly with Second Graders, and the second class of Fourth Graders is at the farm. Their teachers Erin and Carin send news such as: "This evening we ate the bread that the class made and had corn chowder soup, which contained the potatoes that the students harvested yesterday. It was delicious! Afterwards, we gathered in the living room for a time of sharing and laughter." Classes are also visiting Washington Square Park to collect leaves; they’re visiting the Farmer’s Market and returning with apples, pumpkins, and gourds. The season carries us forward and outdoor discoveries form the basis for indoor activity and learning.

My best,

This Week's Attachments:

Fours -

Luise and Julia's Kindergarten -

Dorothy and Romy's First Grade -

Gina and Elizabeth's/Jamie and David's First Grades -

Fourth Grade Math -

Hurricane Relief Benefit Concert -

Halloween Fair #1 -

Halloween Fair #2 -

Community Service -


Third and Fourth Grade Chorus - Helen will have two extra chorus rehearsals to make up for those missed due to holidays. These will be after school on Monday, October 24th and Monday, November 21st and end at 4:00PM.

School Photos - Photos are now set for Monday, October 24th - rain or shine.

Loving Without Spoiling Parent Evening - A limited number of tickets are available for this talk with parent educator Nancy Samalin on October 26th. There is now a sign-up sheet on the PA board for this event.

Mark Your Calendars!

The farm meeting for Kelly and Meredith's class parents will be on 10/26 at 8:00AM - Students should report to the cafeteria on that day.

In the Next Few Weeks...

10/21 - Early Kindergarten Field Trip to the Union Square Farmer's Market
10/21 - Third Grade Field Trip to Lenape Village
10/21 - Erin, Carin, Stacey and Fourth Graders return from the farm
10/24 - School Photo Day - rain or shine!
10/25 - Chap, Michael, Stacey and their Third Graders leave for the farm
10/25 - Second Grade Field Trip to Queens Museum of Art
10/26 - 8:00AM - Kelly and Meredith's Farm Meeting for parents
10/26 - Brooke and Charles' Field Trip to the Union Square Farmer's Market
10/26 - 6:00PM - Parent Evening with Nancy Samalin
10/27 - 8:30AM - First and Second Grade Math Breakfast
10/27 - Early Kindergarten Breakfast Potluck
10/28 - Chap, Michael, Stacey and Third Graders return from the farm
10/30 - 1:30PM - Halloween Fair
11/1 - 6:00PM - Third and Fourth Grade Math and Science Night
11/2 - 8:45AM - Third and Fourth Grade Assembly
11/3 - 8:00AM - Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance Meeting
11/4 - School closed for Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/8 - Kelly, Meredith, Stacey and Third Graders leave for the farm
11/9 - 8:45AM - First Grade Assembly
11/11 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - school closes at 12:00PM (11:45 - Fours-First Grades)
11/11 - Kelly, Meredith, Stacey and Third Graders return from the farm

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

This Week's Attachments:

Third Grade -

Hurricane Relief Benefit -

Literary Event -


Third and Fourth Grade Chorus - Helen will have two extra chorus rehearsals to make up for those missed due to holidays. These will be after school on Monday, October 24th and Monday, November 21st and end at 4:00PM.

Open House - The Manhattan Country School Farm will host a free Open House this Saturday, October 15 from 12:00-4:00PM. An overnight stay is available at the cost of $35 per person (this does not include food). This is a wonderful opportunity for Third Grade families to explore the farm before their trip. The farm is about 3.5 hours from the city in Roxbury, NY. Interested families should RSVP to Ginny Scheer, farm director, at 607-326-7049 and see the detailed directions and map at:

School Photos - Photos are now set for Monday, October 24th - rain or shine.

Loving Without Spoiling Parent Evening - A limited number of tickets are available for this talk with parent educator Nancy Samalin on October 26th. There is now a sign-up sheet on the PA board for this event.

Mark Your Calendars!

  • School will be closed tomorrow - 10/13 - Yom Kippur
  • Suzanne and Patricia's Fourth Grade Curriculum Meeting is on 10/18 at 6:00PM - Please sign up for childcare on the sheet outside of the classroom.
  • The farm meeting for Kelly and Meredith's class parents will be on 10/26 at 8:00AM - Students should report to the cafeteria on that day.

In the Next Few Weeks...

10/13 - tomorrow - School closed for Yom Kippur

10/14 - 8:45AM - Meeting for New LS Parent Reps

10/17 - 6:15PM - Concert for Katrina Relief, Charlton Street PAC

10/18 - Erin, Carin, Stacey and their Fourth Graders leave for the farm

10/18 -6:00PM - Suzanne and Patricia's Curriculum Night

10/19 - 8:45AM - Second Grade Assembly

10/19 - 7:00PM - Literary Event - free reading panel on book choices for Fourth - Ninth Graders, Charlton Street PAC

10/20 - 8:45AM - Parent Rep Meeting

10/21 - Erin, Carin, Stacey and Fourth Graders return from the farm

10/24 - School Photo Day

10/25 - Chap, Michael, Stacey and their Third Graders leave for the farm

10/26 - 8:00AM - Kelly and Meredith's Farm Meeting for parents

10/26 - 6:00PM - Parent Evening with Nancy Samalin

10/27 - 8:30AM - First and Second Grade Math Breakfast

10/28 - Chap, Michael, Stacey and Third Graders return from the farm

10/30 - 1:30PM - Halloween Fair

11/1 - 6:00PM - Third and Fourth Grade Math and Science Night

11/2 - 8:45AM - Third and Fourth Grade Assembly

11/3 - 8:00AM - Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance Meeting

11/4 - School closed for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Kind of like the world, only smaller

Dear Parents,

As many of you know, the social studies focus in our First Grades is the neighborhood of the school. Children begin to explore what is meant by a larger, non-school community and how residents' needs are met through a web of adult interdependencies. Typically teachers launch this study with the question, "What is a neighborhood?" Here are some of your children's responses:

  • "It's like where you live."
  • "Like five blocks, but near each other"
  • "It's around LREI."
  • "Animals are part of a neighborhood."
  • "You see trees in a neighborhood."
  • "I think Chinatown is a neighborhood."
  • "A neighborhood has a lot of families that live next to each other and love each other."
  • "A sidewalk around a big building"
  • "Kind of like the world, only smaller"


This Week's Attachments:

Additional Message from Elaine -

Diane and Molly's Early Kindergarten -

Second Grade Math -

Second Grade Math Facts -

Second Grade Math Facts #2 -

Third Grade Math -

Third Grade Math Facts -

Third Grade Math Facts #2 -

Third Grade Math Facts #3 -

Third Grade -

Fourth Grade -

Concert for Katrina Relief -

Halloween Fair -


Family Handbooks - Family handbooks will be distributed at each Curriculum Meeting. Please be sure you receive a copy. As you leaf through this reference, I strongly encourage you to read pages 27 and 28, and, in particular, the information on birthday celebrations and children's valuables. As always, I'm happy to discuss these guidelines and answer any further questions. -Elaine

Asian-American Families Breakfast - Please bring your whole family for this group's first get-together of the year on Friday, October 7th, 7:45-9:00AM in the Sixth Avenue Cafeteria. If you have to come late or leave early, that's fine - it's very informal. It's also potluck, so please let Ruth Yang ( know what food you will bring. And if you forget to sign up or can't bring anything, please still join us!

From the Afterschool Office - Afterschool at LREI welcomes our first October First Friday guest, Imani Faye, for an afternoon of dance and music from Guinea and Mali. The program will take place on Friday, October 7th from 4:00-5:00PM in the Big Room. The event will be structured in a workshop format, with plenty of opportunities for children of all ages to play with the movements and rhythms from these West African countries. Ms. Faye is a professional dancer and educator who has worked with numerous West African dance companies. Students of all ages, parents and caregivers are welcome to attend and participate. Contact the Afterschool office at x239 for more information.

Open House - The Manhattan Country School Farm will host a free Open House on Saturday, October 15 from 12:00-4:00PM. An overnight stay is available at the cost of $35 per person (this does not include food). This is a wonderful opportunity for Third Grade families to explore the farm before their trip. The farm is about 3.5 hours from the city in Roxbury, NY. Interested families should RSVP to Ginny Scheer, farm director at 607-326-7049 and see the detailed directions and map at:

School Photos - Photos are now set for Monday, October 24th - rain or shine.

Loving Without Spoiling Parent Evening - A limited number of tickets are available for this talk with parent educator Nancy Samalin on October 26th. There is now a sign-up sheet on the PA board for this event.

Mark Your Calendars!

School will be closed on:

  • 10/10 (Columbus Day)
  • 10/13 (Yom Kippur)

Curriculum Meetings are on:

  • TONIGHT - 10/6 - 6:00PM - Second, Third and Erin & Carin's Fourth Grade
  • 10/11 - 6:00PM - Fours - First Grades
  • 10/18 - 6:00PM - Suzanne & Patricia's Fourth Grade

Childcare will be available for these meetings. The cost is $15 and a pizza dinner is included. Please look for sign-up sheets outside of your child's classroom. Care is for LREI students only.

Third Grade Farm Meetings for parents will be held in the classroom. Students will attend Early Bird on the day of their meeting.

Farm Meetings are on:

  • 10/12 - 8:00AM - Chap & Michael's class
  • 10/26 - 8:00AM - Kelly & Meredith's class

The Concert for Katrina Relief will be on 10/17 at 6:30PM in the Charlton Street PAC.

The First and Second Grade Math Breakfast will be on 10/27 at 8:30AM.

In the Next Few Weeks...

10/6 - 6:00PM - TONIGHT - Curriculum Meeting for Second, Third and Erin & Carin's Fourth Grade

10/7 - 7:45AM - Asian-American Families Breakfast, Sixth Avenue Cafeteria

10/10 - School Closed for Columbus Day

10/11 - 8:45AM - POCOC Meeting

10/11 - 6:00PM - Curriculum Meeting for Fours-First Grades

10/12 - 8:00AM - Chap & Michael's Farm Meeting for parents

10/13 - School Closed for Yom Kippur

10/14 - 8:45AM - Meeting for New LS Parent Reps

10/17 - 6:30PM - Concert for Katrina Relief, Charlton Street PAC

10/18 - Erin, Carin, Stacey and their Fourth Graders leave for the farm

10/18 - 6:00PM - Suzanne & Patricia's Curriculum Night

10/19 - 8:45AM - Second Grade Assembly

10/20 - 8:45AM - Parent Rep Meeting

10/21 - Erin, Carin, Stacey and their Fourth Graders return from the farm

10/24 - School Photo Day

10/25 - Chap, Michael, Stacey and their Third Graders leave for the farm

10/26 - 8:00AM - Kelly & Meredith's Farm Meeting for parents

10/26 - 6:00PM - Parent Evening with Nancy Samalin

10/27 - 8:30AM - First and Second Grade Math Breakfast

10/28 - Chap, Michael, Stacey and their Third Graders return from the farm

10/30 - 1:30PM - Halloween Fair