On behalf of the Lower School faculty and staff…
(Who is that beautiful girl in the mirror?!?)
FOUNDER’S DAY is on the horizon!! On Friday, March 17th, students will travel with their buddies to the High School to enjoy the annual and now infamous faculty skit, “Founding of the Little Red School House”. Following the performance and assembly, children will all return to their classrooms for an ice cream treat to commemorate those early parent meetings in an ice cream parlor. Now, THIS is a tradition!!! School will dismiss at 11:45AM for Fours through First Graders and 12:00PM for Second through Fourth Graders.
(Who is that beautiful girl in the mirror?!?)
FOUNDER’S DAY is on the horizon!! On Friday, March 17th, students will travel with their buddies to the High School to enjoy the annual and now infamous faculty skit, “Founding of the Little Red School House”. Following the performance and assembly, children will all return to their classrooms for an ice cream treat to commemorate those early parent meetings in an ice cream parlor. Now, THIS is a tradition!!! School will dismiss at 11:45AM for Fours through First Graders and 12:00PM for Second through Fourth Graders.
This Week's Attachments:
Reminder for First Grade Parents: Tomorrow at 8:45AM there is a meeting in the cafeteria. Plans for next year's Second Grade will be discussed.
Reminder for Third and Fourth Grade Parents: Next week's Wednesday morning assembly at 8:45AM is for Fourth Graders and parents only. A shared Third and Fourth Grade Assembly is scheduled for April 26.
Attached are workshop proposal forms in .pdf and .doc format for the LREI Arts Festival 2006! This year, the Arts Festival is occurring on Friday, April 28, and will involve all students from grades 8 through 12. This is an exciting day when students choose from a variety of workshops offered by faculty, friends, parents and others in and out of the LREI school community. The workshops run in the morning and are followed by an afternoon of exhibitions. For more details, please see the attachment; in particular, if you or someone you know is interested in offering a workshop, please send the form to Tony (HS Principal) by Friday, April 14.
Upcoming Events...
3/10 - 8:45AM - tomorrow - Meeting for First Grade Parents, Cafeteria
3/15 - 8:45AM - Fourth Grade Assembly
3/16 - 8:45AM - Parent Rep Meeting
3/17 - Founder's Day Assembly and Buddy Get-Together! -- school closes at noon (11:45, Early Childhood) for Spring Break
4/3 - School Reopens
4/6 - 8:00AM - Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance (LGSA) Meeting
4/6 - 6:00PM - Fourth Grade Parent Meeting with Heidi
4/11 - Poem in Your Pocket Day
4/13-4/14 - School Closed
4/20 - 8:45AM - Parent Rep Meeting
4/21 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - School Closed
4/25 - 8:45AM - What to Expect in Fifth Grade with Mark and Elaine
4/26 - 8:45AM - Third and Fourth Grade Assembly
4/28 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - Half Day (school closes at noon, fours-first grades, 11:45AM)