September 28, 2006
Dear Lower School Parents,
Few things make children happier than birthday celebrations! Party planning, invitation writing, gift giving and receiving … all make for great anticipation and excitement. As it should be.
I could also have said: Few things make children happier – or have greater potential to hurt children’s feelings– than birthday celebrations!
This year, I hope you’ll join with me in working to safeguard our children’s feelings and self-esteem. I hope that together we’ll make efforts to ensure that each child feels valued and included within the important community of their classroom; that we’ll be sensitive to feelings of exclusion, being left out of a party that everyone else seems to be attending or of hosting one that is "less than" those hosted by classmates.
Here are a few tips: (You’ll also find these on P.17 of your Family Handbook.)
It’s fine to invite your child’s entire class or grade - or all the boys or girls - and to talk to your child about why it’s important to invite some classmates whom they may not consider close friends.
It’s fine to invite just a few friends, possibly for a movie or sleepover.
It’s not fine to invite all but a few from the class or grade, or all but a few of the girls or boys.
It’s fine to send invitations through the mail, rather than distributing them in school.
Party Planning:
It’s fine to hold a party on the weekend. It’s difficult when parties occur directly after school, though sometimes this is unavoidable. If it’s necessary, we request that you arrange a meeting place outside of school rather than picking up the invitees at the school door.
It’s fine to have a party that reflects your own style. No one at LREI should feel the pressure of expensive party planning. This isn’t who we are.
As I’m sure you can tell, I have strong feelings about arranging events in ways that value all our children. I’m guessing that you feel the same. Whatever your response, please know that I’m happy to talk about it should you wish. For starters, birthdays will be the topic of this Friday’s Second through Fourth Grade Morning Meeting in the Big Room. Please do your best to arrive promptly at 8:30AM.
My best,
1. Scooters and Strollers: Please be sure these are folded completely and stored near your child’s classroom. If scooters are placed in cubbies, we ask that you purchase a bag in which to hang them so they will not roll.
2. Lost and Found: Our Lost and Found box is located on the landing directly across from the auditorium door nearest the Reading Room. It isn’t a bad idea to check this periodically.
Thank you.
This Week's Attachments:
Beth and Molly's Fours
Lauren and Laura's Kindergarten
First Grade Homework Letter
Dorothy and Stacey's First Grade Field Trip
Colleen and Michael's Second Grade Schedule
Spanish Letter
Math Letter
Class Photos will be on October 16th!
We need 21 parent volunteers; one for each class and two groups of four to work with the photographers.
The class volunteers will work for approximately one hour.
In addition, there will be a morning group of parents, 8:30-11:30 and an afternoon group, 11:20-2:20 to work with the photographers.
Please contact Delia Hernandez, X 238, if you would like to volunteer.
Photo Schedule:
8:45 Early Kindergarten
8:50 Fours
9:15 Dorothy/Stacey 1st
9:25 Jamie/Bonnie 1st
9:45 Lauren/Laura K
9:50 Gina/Rebecca 1st
10:15 Colleen/Michael 2nd
10:25 Tasha/Romy 2nd
10:45 Luise/Julia K
10:55 Middle School
11:40 Kelly/Ayanna 3rd
11:50 Chap/Meredith 3rd
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Gwen/Thomas 4th
1:35 Suzanne/Caroline 4th
1:55 Middle School
Don't miss the current display of children's wood working! Featured in the lobby display case, xylophones created by Third graders reveal their excellent drilling skills and ability to measure with string. Each xylophone also reflects each child's unique sensibility in color and sound.
Multicultural Brunch Announcement:
The Multicultural brunch originally scheduled for this Saturday, Sept. 30th is postponed.
We will notify the community with details when it is rescheduled.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
From the PA Co-Presidents--Thank you to all who have completed the parent survey for LREI's 10-year reaccreditation process. Your responses are very helpful to us as we prepare the Parent Association's section of the self-study. By popular request, we will continue to accept responses through the end of the month.
Click Here to access the NYSAIS survey.
In the Next Few Weeks...
10/2- Yom Kippur: School Closed
10/3- Suzanne and Caroline's 4th Grade Class Farm Trip
10/4- 8-9AM- Chap/Meredith Farm Meeting
10/5- 6PM- 4s- 1st Grade Curriculum Meeting
10/6- Suzanne and Caroline's 4th Grade Returns from Farm Trip
10/9- Columbus Day: School Closed
10/10- Gwen and Thomas' 4th Grade Class Farm Trip
10/11- 8-9AM- Kelly/Ayanna Farm Meeting
10/13- Gwen and Thomas' 4th Grade Class Farm Trip Returns
10/16- Photo Day
10/17- Chap and Meredith's 3rd Grade Farm Trip
10/19- 8:45- Parent Rep Meeting
10/20- Chap and Meredith's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip Returns
10/23- Photo Day (raindate)
10/24- Kelly and Ayanna's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip
10/25- 8:45- 2nd Grade Assembly
10/27- Kelly and Ayanna's 3rd Grade Class Trip Returns
10/29- Halloween Fair