Wednesday, October 25, 2006

October 26, 2006

Dear Lower School Parents,

A few snapshots from the week…

Lunch time: I wandered into our school kitchen early Monday morning to see Jorge behind a mountain of fresh, fragrant basil, then later enjoyed the delicious pesto as well as a cup of lentil soup too good to resist. Quietly, Jorge asked a few of us if we would try the new seaweed noodle dish (which we did) nutritious and with very few calories. So nice to be well taken care of!

Tuesday morning good-byes: Our final overnight trip is underway. After a smooth departure, the bus dropped Kelly and Ayanna’s Third Graders at the Catskill farm for four days of brisk weather activities. Wednesday’s letter to families included this reflection of “real world” science experiences and the bridges built between kitchen and garden, between classroom and the outdoors:

“Today’s classes included farm work, textiles, nature and cooking. Farm workers were busy picking lettuce for lunch and gathering pinto beans in the garden. In textiles, children learned different uses and ways of preparing wool. Then they had a try at cleaning, spinning and weaving the wool using a loom. While petting a sheep named Frazier one child exclaimed, “They can go out in any weather and not care!” The nature class took a hike and stopped to identify trees and seed pods, while discussing seed dispersal. This was a perfect connection to our botany curriculum in science. One student proudly held up a leaf and said, “This leaf is broad and ridged!” The morning cooking class worked away like experts, preparing our taco lunch and baked molasses cookies for the afternoon snack.”

Prospective parent visits: As I do twice a week, I met with a group of prospective parents on Tuesday following their tour of our division. These groups are consistently impressed by the focus and (yes) joy with which our children engage in their morning’s work. Typical questions during our Q & A refer to our hiring process, assessment measures, LREI’s progressive philosophy, meeting students’ academic needs, the arts and diversity. If you’d like me to discuss one of these areas in an upcoming blog, please let me know.

Visitors to the Lower School: This week we are hosting a group of principals from Reykjavik, Iceland and I took a moment to join Megan in welcoming the first of four contingents. They are interested in our early childhood program and, particularly, in our block building curriculum. They had learned of LREI through our social studies coordinator Harriet Cuffaro who some years ago introduced block building to the Icelandic school systems. As they leave us, more visitors are on their way: the entire Children’s Aid School faculty, a group of high school students and their professor from the Fieldston School, LREI Trustees and, of course, the NYSAIS (New York State Association of Independent Schools) Visiting Committee. Needless to say, we’re extremely pleased to see such interest in our community!

Second Grade Assembly: Helen and her students dedicated the Scottish folk song, Froggie Went A Courtin’ to Colleen on her recent wedding and Romy, her engagement. It felt good to initiate this year’s musical assembly program – an important part of who we are.

Grade Level Meeting: All grade level teachers meet for an hour each week, usually over lunch. This week I joined the early childhood meeting as teachers shared and discussed their curriculum night slide presentations – a perfect jumping off point for talk about program and routine.

“Can I read to you?” As I stopped by Gina and Rebecca’s classroom, a First Grader extended me this invitation. Sure enough! He read Fox’s Wedding smoothly and with great pleasure, pausing to explain the story as he went along. “He doesn’t really mean that; he’s not telling the truth.” The very best of all moments!

ASL: I ended Wednesday in a faculty sign language class taught by Lower School parent Miriam Morrow. As a learning experience, it is challenging, beautiful and great fun - as well as a true test of one’s memory.

If at this point you’re thinking I am particularly lucky in my work, I would have to agree!!


This Week's Attachments:

Beth and Molly's Fours

Luise and Julia's Kindergarten

Lauren and Laura's Kindergarten

Halloween Fair

Math and Science Night

Community Service Letter

Assembly Schedule


Parent-Teacher Conference Childcare
Full-day childcare will be provided on Friday, November 3rd, from 8 to 3 o'clock in the auditorium. The cost is 15 dollars and children should bring a bag lunch (no nuts or seeds). For more information and to sign up, contact Kate at, 477-5316 ext. 215.

Conference-only (45 minutes) childcare will be offered free of charge in the library.

Parents please note: there is no After School on this day.

Fourth Grade Parents,
Please note an important change:
Suzanne & Caroline's Farm Breakfast will be at 8:15 on Wednesday, Nov. 8th.

Parents and caregivers: Please make sure to keep an eye on your children when they are in the hallway outside of the library. Sometimes children climb on and over the ramp railings. Simply put, this is not safe. The railings are not made to support the weight of children, and we do not want anybody to get hurt!

Coat Drive for St. John's Church - Monday, October 23rd through Friday, October 27th
We are holding our annual coat and outerwear drive for the clients of the St. John's Food Pantry.

Shop News
Monsters are visiting the lobby display case! While making their monsters, Second Graders learned how to use drills and join wooden shapes with wire so they can move. When in the lobby, check out those monsters!

The Church has asked that we focus on larger sizes this year - older teen and adult.
They would also welcome men's pants, jeans, as well as new (in package) underwear for both men and women.
Please bring your clean and gently used donations to Matthew's room, 2nd floor, Middle School building (parents can push "2" in the elevator)
Start bringing in clothing on Monday, October 23rd. Thanks!

Click Here

If your child missed photo day, retakes will be held on Thursday, November 16th.

Photo Scholarships:
Our photographer, Coffee Pond Photography, is able to offer a limited number of photo scholarships. Please contact Delia Hernandez, X 238, if you receive financial aid and are unable to pay for photographs.

Attention Book Lovers:
On Tuesday, November 8th join the Literary Committee as the LREI librarians present, "East Meets West," an evening of youth books that feature culture clashes and truces, diverse viewpoints and changing perspectives.
Each year our nationally recognized librarians share their literary suggestions for students in all grades, Fours-12th grade, with the LREI community as they do with other school and professional audiences throughout the school year. All three of our full time librarians have served, or are presently serving, on American Library Association panels responsible for selecting prize winning books. Join this evening as Stacy, Jennifer and Karyn share their book selections with us, along with LS library teacher and graphic novel reviewer, Jesse Karp (LREI '87), who will give his suggestions for the best in graphic novels.

Click Here

Each year the Literary Committee brings us the book fairs, Book Week, the amazing Literary Evening (December 7th) and this evening with our
librarians. The Committee also supports the librarians', and their students', attendance at conferences.
If you have questions for the librarians, don't forget to join us for Learn Your Library morning on October 23rd in the Sixth Avenue Library.

Click Here

Message from Phil Kassen, Director:

As I am sure you have heard from your children, during the past few weeks we have had a number of fire drills. Each year we are required to have twelve drills, and we like to have as many at the beginning of the year as possible. Not only does this help our staff and students learn what to do in an emergency, it allows us to fine tune these exercises early in the year. Thus far, all drills have been completed safely, efficiently and quickly.
Sometime next week we will have a special drill during which we evacuate to the auditorium. This will allow us to practice for the eventuality that we may need to gather all of the students and adults in one place in response to some emergency. We have done these drills in the past, but as we have not had one in the last year or so, I wanted to alert you to it so that you would not be alarmed.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

In the Next Few Weeks...

10/27- Kelly and Ayanna's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip Returns

10/29- Halloween Fair

11/3- Lower School Parent-Teacher Conferences. LS closed. No After School.

11/7- Third and Fourth Grade Math and Science Night, 6:00

11/8- Suzanne and Caroline's Farm Breakfast, 8:15

11/8- East Meets West, 7:00, PAC

11/10- Lower School Closes at noon for Parent-Teacher Conferences. No After School.

11/14- Gwen and Thomas' Farm Breakfast, 8:30

11/14- First and Second Grade Math and Science Night, 6:00

11/15- Chap and Meredith's Farm Breakfast, 8:00

11/16- Photo Retake Day

11/21- Kelly and Ayanna's Farm Breakfast, 8:30

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dear Lower School Parents,

Halloween at LREI:

As many of you know, the LREI Halloween Fair is around the corner! This year we will again use the Thompson Street Athletic Center at the corner of Thompson and Houston Streets. The theme, I’m told, is pirates, and I’m sure it will be both great fun and sensitive to children of all ages. Thanks go to the many parents who have worked together to make this event a reality, most especially to Pam Dalton and Zoe Picayo. I encourage you all to attend with your children and their friends. It will be held on Sunday, October 29th, from 1:00PM – 4:00PM.

In school, the plan is for regular, productive days - even on the 31st - no costumes, candy or trick-or-treating, please! During their daily meetings, classes do talk about things that may be scary or fun, real or pretend, and may even share some singing, cooking or artwork as this fits within their schedules.

Have a wonderful Halloween. I hope to see you at the FAIR!

My best,


This Week's Attachments:


Spanish Letter - Fours through First Grade

First Grade

Colleen and Michael's Second Grade

Tasha and Romy's Second Grade

Kelly and Ayanna's Third Grade

Gwen and Thomas' Fourth Grade

Second through Fourth Grade Parents

Halloween Wish List


Coat Drive for St. John's Church - Monday, October 23rd through Friday, October 27th
We are holding our annual coat and outerwear drive for the clients of the St. John's Food Pantry.
The Church has asked that we focus on larger sizes this year - older teen and adult.
They would also welcome men's pants, jeans, as well as new (in package) underwear for both men and women.
Please bring your clean and gently used donations to Matthew's room, 2nd floor, Middle School building (parents can push "2" in the elevator)
Start bringing in clothing on Monday, October 23rd. Thanks!

Click Here

If your child missed photo day, retakes will be held on Thursday, November 16th.

Photo Scholarships:
Our photographer, Coffee Pond Photography, is able to offer a limited number of photo scholarships. Please contact Delia Hernandez, X 238, if you receive financial aid and are unable to pay for photographs.

Attention Book Lovers:
On Tuesday, November 8th join the Literary Committee as the LREI librarians present, "East Meets West," an evening of youth books that feature culture clashes and truces, diverse viewpoints and changing perspectives.
Each year our nationally recognized librarians share their literary suggestions for students in all grades, Fours-12th grade, with the LREI community as they do with other school and professional audiences throughout the school year. All three of our full time librarians have served, or are presently serving, on American Library Association panels responsible for selecting prize winning books. Join this evening as Stacy, Jennifer and Karyn share their book selections with us, along with LS library teacher and graphic novel reviewer, Jesse Karp (LREI '87), who will give his suggestions for the best in graphic novels.

Click Here

Each year the Literary Committee brings us the book fairs, Book Week, the amazing Literary Evening (December 7th) and this evening with our
librarians. The Committee also supports the librarians', and their students', attendance at conferences.
If you have questions for the librarians, don't forget to join us for Learn Your Library morning on October 23rd in the Sixth Avenue Library.

Click Here

In the Next Few Weeks...

10/20- Chap and Meredith's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip Returns

10/23- Learn-Your-Library morning

10/24- Kelly and Ayanna's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip

10/25- 8:45- 2nd Grade Assembly

10/27- Kelly and Ayanna's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip Returns

10/29- Halloween Fair

11/3- Lower School Parent-Teacher Conferences. LS closed.

11/7- Third and Fourth Grade Math and Science Night, 6:00

11/8- Suzanne and Caroline's Farm Breakfast, 8:30

11/8- East Meets West, 7:00, PAC

11/14- Gwen and Thomas' Farm Breakfast, 8:30

11/14- First and Second Grade Math and Science Night, 6:00

11/15- Chap and Meredith's Farm Breakfast, 8:00

11/16- Photo Retake Day

11/21- Kelly and Ayanna's Farm Breakfast, 8:30

Thursday, October 12, 2006

How to Continue Diversity Conversations at Home…

On Tuesday evening Sharon DuPree, Director of Diversity and Community, chaired the above conversation at a meeting with parents. Three teachers (Tasha Hernandez, Second Grade, Heather Brandstetter, Fifth and Peggy Peloquin, High School) started the evening off by sharing aspects of diversity discussions and initiatives in their grades – they offered vibrant examples.

Whether or not you were able to attend, I am sure that conversations relating to diversity are a part of your family’s life. How could they not be? And as you have these talks with your children over the years - as they mature and their worldviews broaden, as school presents them with new and increasingly complex situations, and as they encounter a wider range of diverse classmates and peers – you transmit your value system. On the fly, on the A train, at the dinner table or snuggling in bed, these conversations help children to define how they respond to those they see as different from themselves.

The following words from philosopher Richard Rorty might be good to keep in mind: We "keep trying to expand our sense of "us" as far as we can. ... We should stay on the lookout for people whom we still instinctively think of as "they" rather than "us." We should try to notice our similarities with them."

My best,


This Week's Attachments:

Second Grade Letter

Chap and Meredith's Third Grade

Nurse Kitty's Cold Information

From the Admissions Office: Please read the attached note concerning Early Childhood (4s-K) admissions.

A Letter from Phil Regarding Vacations


Photo Day Reminder:
Monday, October 16th
Our photographer recommends students wear solid colors.
Photo Scholarships:
Our photographer, Coffee Pond Photography, is able to offer a limited number of photo scholarhips. Please contact Delia Hernandez, X 238, if you receive financial aid and are unable to pay for photographs.

Parent Rep Meeting Reminder:
Parent Rep meeting this upcoming Thursday, October 19th, 8:45 in the Bleeker Street cafeteria

Coffee House:
LREI Coffee House will now be held on Saturday, October 14th, from 7-9pm in the PAC at 40 Charlton Street

Parents! Have your own LREI experience through the SEED (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity) monthly parent dialogue group. Share stories, explore assumptions, view films and exchange information. The first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 18th at 6pm. Please contact Sharon DuPree ( or Peggy Peloquin ( if you are interested in joining LREI's first parent SEED group.

Shop News:
First graders have been hard at work in wood shop. They have already learned how to use the cross cut saw, the vice, and sandpaper and they have made some fabulous puzzles. Be sure to see those puzzles in the lobby display case!

Attention Book Lovers:
On Tuesday, November 8th join the Literary Committee as the LREI librarians present, "East Meets West," an evening of youth books that feature culture clashes and truces, diverse viewpoints and changing perspectives.
Each year our nationally recognized librarians share their literary suggestions for students in all grades, Fours-12th grade, with the LREI community as they do with other school and professional audiences throughout the school year. All three of our full time librarians have served, or are presently serving, on American Library Association panels responsible for selecting prize winning books. Join this evening as Stacy, Jennifer and Karyn share their book selections with us, along with LS library teacher and graphic novel reviewer, Jesse Karp (LREI '87), who will give his suggestions for the best in graphic novels.

Click Here

Each year the Literary Committee brings us the book fairs, Book Week, the amazing Literary Evening (December 7th) and this evening with our
librarians. The Committee also supports the librarians', and their students', attendance at conferences.
If you have questions for the librarians, don't forget to join us for Learn Your Library morning on October 23rd in the Sixth Avenue Library.

Click Here

In the Next Few Weeks...

10/13- Gwen and Thomas' 4th Grade Class Farm Trip Returns

10/16- Photo Day

10/17- Chap and Meredith's 3rd Grade Farm Trip

10/18- SEED Meeting, 6:00

10/19- 8:45- Parent Rep Meeting

10/20- Chap and Meredith's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip Returns

10/23- Learn-Your-Library morning

10/23- Photo Day (raindate)

10/24- Kelly and Ayanna's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip

10/25- 8:45- 2nd Grade Assembly

10/27- Kelly and Ayanna's 3rd Grade Class Trip Returns

10/29- Halloween Fair

11/3- Lower School Parent-Teacher Conferences. LS closed.

11/7- Third and Fourth Grade Math and Science Night, 6:00

11/8- Suzanne and Caroline's Farm Breakfast, 8:30

11/8- East Meets West, 7:00, PAC

11/14- Gwen and Thomas' Farm Breakfast, 8:30

11/15- Chap and Meredith's Farm Breakfast, 8:00

11/21- Kelly and Ayanna's Farm Breakfast, 8:30

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dear Lower School Families,

Early Tuesday morning, parents waved good-bye to a class of Fourth Graders as they climbed eagerly onto a bus to head for the Hawthorne Valley Farm just outside of Poughkeepsie in Ghent, NY. This was the first of four four-day, three-night farm experiences to be enjoyed this month. Next week, a similar adventure will be had by our second Fourth Grade, and the following two weeks will see visits from Third Grade classes to a farm owned and run by Manhattan Country School.

While the two settings differ somewhat in their configuration and agenda, each is an intimate farm setting with a staff of highly trained and enthusiastic educators. Hawthorne Valley is an actual working farm and maintains a stand at the Union Square Farmers’ Market. It engages students in cattle herding, horseback riding, cooking, hiking and gardening; its focus is ecological and its kitchen, vegetarian. The Manhattan Country School farm for Third Graders is purely educational in focus. It is located further north in the town of Roxbury. Activities there include weaving, hiking, barn chores and cooking.

These four-day adventures represent a large time and educational commitment on the part of our teachers and students, as well as our parents. They represent a continuation of LREI’s tradition of teaching and learning outside the walls of a classroom. While their legacy may be difficult to quantify, it resonates throughout the school year and on into Middle School.

These trips, this time away from home with classmates and teachers, reflect the emerging independence that eight and nine year old students both strive for and shy away from. It allows children to draw strength from their classroom community and feel pride in their own emerging autonomy. They master real-world responsibilities, such as waking early in the morning to feed farm animals or cooking the entire evening meal with a small group of classmates. They also sing together with classmates around a campfire and share in silly evening rituals such as “pajamas on parade”. As a result, the community of students is strengthened and they return with a more intimate and authentic appreciation for each other.

Farm trips also take students from the urban to the rural, allowing them the opportunity to work side-by-side in a very different type of setting – to meet the realities imposed by nature, such as mucking out a stall or quietly enjoying a sunset or early dawn. Students learn to identify animal tracks, care for growing vegetables and dye and spin yarn. The experience is rich in shared sensory experience – weather, plants, foods, soil, animals. And during their daily writing and sharing times, students call up and reflect on these sensations.

Our hope is that when children return from their farm trip, albeit eager for home and a warm bath, they are just a bit older and more responsible, emotionally and aesthetically nourished and with the beginnings of a new kind of assuredness that comes from having enjoyed an extended and extraordinary natural experience with their class.

Let me end by thanking our teachers for their upbeat, round-the-clock participation: Suzanne Cohen, Caroline Johnston, Gwen Morrison, Thomas Murley, Kelly O’Keefe, Ayanna Greenidge, Sandra Chapman, Meredith Pressman, and finally, Dave Cataletto who will attend all four farm trips!


This Week's Attachments:

Second Grade Letter

Third Grade Math Letter

Third Grade Trip Letter

Fourth Grade Keyboarding Letter

Parent Rep Meeting


Class Photos
This is a reminder that class and individual photos will be on October 16th!
We still need some parent volunteers.
Our goal is to have one person for each class and two groups of four to work with the photographers.
The class volunteers will work for approximately one hour.
In addition, there will be a morning group of parents, 8:30-11:30 and an afternoon group, 11:20-2:20 to work with the photographers.
**Please contact Delia Hernandez, X 238, if you would like to volunteer.**
Photo Schedule:
8:45 Early Kindergarten
8:50 Fours
9:15 Dorothy/Stacey 1st
9:25 Jamie/Bonnie 1st
9:45 Lauren/Laura K
9:50 Gina/Rebecca 1st
10:15 Colleen/Michael 2nd
10:25 Tasha/Romy 2nd
10:45 Luise/Julia K
10:55 Middle School
11:40 Kelly/Ayanna 3rd
11:50 Chap/Meredith 3rd
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Gwen/Thomas 4th
1:35 Suzanne/Caroline 4th
1:55 Middle School
Photo Scholarships
Our photographer, Coffee Pond Photography, is able to offer a limited number of photo scholarhips. Please contact Delia Hernandez, X 238, if you receive financial aid and are unable to pay for photographs.

Please join us for the next Diversity & Community Evening: "How to Continue Diversity Conversations at Home," on October 10th at 6:30pm in the Sixth Avenue Auditorium. The evening will be hosted by Sharon DuPree, Director of Diversity & Community, Phil Kassen, Director and Administrative and Faculty Colleagues. Come hear about effective strategies, share experiences, ask questions and learn about resources available to parents.

How to Continue Diversity Conversations at Home

In the Next Few Weeks...

10/6- Suzanne and Caroline's 4th Grade Returns from Farm Trip

10/9- Columbus Day: School Closed

10/10- Gwen and Thomas' 4th Grade Class Farm Trip

10/11- 8-9AM- Kelly/Ayanna Farm Meeting

10/13- Gwen and Thomas' 4th Grade Class Farm Trip Returns

10/16- Photo Day

10/17- Chap and Meredith's 3rd Grade Farm Trip

10/19- 8:45- Parent Rep Meeting

10/20- Chap and Meredith's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip Returns

10/23- Learn-Your-Library morning

10/23- Photo Day (raindate)

10/24- Kelly and Ayanna's 3rd Grade Class Farm Trip

10/25- 8:45- 2nd Grade Assembly

10/27- Kelly and Ayanna's 3rd Grade Class Trip Returns

10/29- Halloween Fair

11/3- Lower School Parent-Teacher Conferences. LS closed.

11/7- Third and Fourth Grade Math and Science Night, 6:00

11/8- Suzanne and Caroline's Farm Breakfast, 8:30

11/14- Gwen and Thomas' Farm Breakfast, 8:30

11/15- Chap and Meredith's Farm Breakfast, 8:00

11/21- Kelly and Ayanna's Farm Breakfast, 8:30